Humane transport of equines
The AVMA supports the use of best practices when transporting animals and therefore opposes the use of double-decked trailers to transport equines.
JAVMA news
Safety advancements in equine sports
Several sessions during the American Association of Equine Practitioners’ 2020 Virtual Convention & Trade Show, held Dec. 1-18, focused on…
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Equine papers invited
The American Association of Equine Practitioners is seeking abstracts, how-to papers, and review papers to be considered for presentation
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Early-career equine vets face challenges
The challenges younger equine veterinarians face provided fodder for discussion during a session at the American Association of Equine Practitioners’…
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Postmortem given on equine piroplasmosis
American Association of Equine Practitioners members have played a critical role in the detection of clinical cases of equine
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How to feed an equine athlete
Krishona L. Martinson, PhD, a professor and equine specialist at the University of Minnesota, said during the session “How to Select Forages for…
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New specialty for equine dentistry a go
Equine dentistry has become one of the newest veterinary specialties to be recognized by the AVMA.
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Guidelines for equine anesthesia available
The American College of Veterinary Anesthesiologists recently approved a set of guidelines for equine anesthesia.
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Enjoying and prospering in equine practice
Equine practitioners represent the second-highest practice income group, after swine practitioners
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Regulating equine plasma products
The Executive Board has approved a position statement on the regulation of equine plasma products.
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Study: Equine practices on the rebound
An in-depth economic study of the equine veterinary industry assessed current management practices.
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World Equine Veterinary Association
12th Congress, Nov. 2-5, 2011, Hyderabad, India, hosted by the Indian Association of Equine Practitioners
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States enact equine passport
State livestock health officials in Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and
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American Association of Equine Practitioners
American Association of Equine Practitioners’ 65th Annual Convention, Dec. 7-11, 2019, Denver
Regulation of equine plasma products
The AVMA urges the FDA and USDA to identify a means to regulate all equine plasma products intended for use in horses.
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American Association of Equine Practitioners
The American Association of Equine Practitioners honored the 2013 recipients of several awards Dec. 10, 2013, at its 59th Annual Convention in…
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Equine parasite guidelines available
The American Association of Equine Practitioners has developed the first official set of guidelines for parasite control in horses.
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Equine veterinarians acknowledged for accomplishments
The American Association of Equine Practitioners honored the 2014 recipients of several awards Dec. 9, 2014, at its 60th Annual Convention in Salt…
Effective Equine Care Guide
The Effective Equine Care Guide is a free resource that veterinary teams can leverage to help foster healthy lines of communication and a positive…
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Equine scholarships offered
The AAEP and the American Live Stock Insurance Company are providing scholarships to fourth-year veterinary students.
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Gift to fund new Purdue equine center
A $2.7 million gift from Centaur Gaming will help Purdue University’s College of Veterinary Medicine build the Centaur Regional Equine
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USDA releases equine industry study results
The Department of Agriculture’s National Animal Health Monitoring System published the first report from its Equine 2015 study,
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Call for equine sports medicine abstracts
TAKE NOTICE Call for equine sports medicine abstracts The Association for Equine Sports Medicine is seeking …
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Call for abstracts for 2000 equine convention
Call for abstracts for 2000 equine convention
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42 states testing for contagious equine metritis
Forty-two states were tracing and testing horses that may have been exposed to contagious equine metritis as of mid-January.