House Advisory Committee

House Advisory Committee

The House Advisory Committee (HAC) consists of seven members elected by the House of Delegates (HOD). This committee advises and makes recommendations to the House of Delegates and Board of Directors, and reviews and approves the credentials of candidates for president, president-elect, vice president, councils, and the House Advisory Committee. The following individuals comprise the House Advisory Committee:

  • Chair— Juan Amieiro-Puig, DVM, San Juan, Puerto Rico—Representing at-large
  • Vice Chair— Lindy O'Neal, DVM, Rogers, Arkansas—Representing at-large
  • Libby Todd, DVM, Birmingham, Alabama—Representing at-large
  • Stuart Brown, DVM, Versailles, Kentucky—Representing at-large
  • Diana Thome, DVM, Richland, Washington—Representing at-large
  • Theresa Kelliher, DVM, Kearney, Nebraska—Representing at-large
  • Douglas McInnis, DVM, Klamath Falls, Oregon—Representing at-large