Disaster preparedness

In this article:
- Read about veterinarians’ roles in disaster preparedness and response.
- Discover disaster preparedness tools and resources for your clinic and clients.
- Learn about disaster aid for veterinarians and veterinary students.
- View AVMA policies on disaster preparedness and response.

Disaster and emergency preparedness and response are important issues to the AVMA. Animals are affected by the same disasters and emergencies as people—natural, man-made, large, and small. Whether it's a hurricane or tornado, a flood or earthquake, a chemical leak or act of terrorism, veterinarians are vital to response and recovery efforts during and after disasters. We also play an important role in promoting and aiding preparedness, to limit the impact of disasters on both animals and people.
AVMA resources help both veterinarians and our clients be prepared for any kind of emergency.
Anticipating and responding to animal disease outbreaks
Help for AVMA and SAVMA members affected by disasters
AVMA's role in disasters
Latest updates
Tools you can use
Emergency planning
Business continuity and emergency planning are key to business survival in a disaster situation. These critical steps can help you prepare your practice for an emergency and minimize its impact on your business.
How to write a disaster plan for your clinic
Use this downloadable workbook to make decisions about preparing your practice for disasters and emergencies.
CE certificate: Disaster and business continuity planning
Learn the essential elements of implementing a business continuity plan to safeguard your practice and minimize the impact of disasters.
Client resources
Help animal owners prepare for the unexpected. These resources can help ensure your clients’ animals are taken care of during disasters.
Pets and disasters
Large animals and livestock
Wildfire smoke and animals
Emergency contact cards