House fills council, HAC seats
In Denver, the House of Delegates filled vacancies on AVMA councils and the House Advisory Committee. The results are as follows.
Council on Biologic and Therapeutic Agents
Drs. Richard Hill, Ames, Iowa, and Jeffrey Powers, Beaver Island, Michigan, representing members at large; Dr. Michael Strobel, Northfield, Minnesota, representing clinical pharmacology; and Dr. Jessica Light, Sloughhouse, California, representing industry, exclusive
Council on Public Health and Regulatory Veterinary Medicine
Drs. Samuel Fassig, Boise, Idaho, and Dustin Oedekoven, Pierre, South Dakota, representing agricultural agencies
Council on Research
Drs. Ayman Sayegh, Tuskegee, Alabama, and Kathryn Meurs, Raleigh, North Carolina, representing colleges of veterinary medicine; Dr. Carlos Pereyra, Fairview, Texas, representing private clinical practice; and Dr. Matt Krecic, Morristown, New Jersey, representing veterinary medical research
Council on Veterinary Service
Drs. Ronald Kelpe, Rancho Santa Margarita, California, and Julie Buford, Nashville, Tennessee, representing small animal private practice, exclusive; Dr. Robin Paterson, Kingman, Arizona, representing private mixed practice; and Dr. Tiffany Collins, St. Petersburg, Florida, representing recent graduates or emerging leaders
Judicial Council
Drs. Marthina Greer, Neosho, Wisconsin, and Sarah Babcock, Washington, D.C., representing members at large
House Advisory Committee
Drs. Sandra Faeh Butler, River Forest, Illinois; Saundra Willis, Mukilteo, Washington; and Rex Anderson, Absarokee, Montana
At the subsequent HAC meeting, members of the advisory committee elected Dr. Sandra Faeh Butler as chair.