Universities to host theriogenology residencies

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Three more small animal theriogenology residencies will be hosted by universities starting this summer.

The Theriogenology Foundation and the American Kennel Club will sponsor a three-year residency at Auburn University and two-year residencies at the University of California-Davis and the University of Pennsylvania, according to the foundation. 

Dr. Charles F. Franz, executive director of the Theriogenology Foundation, said the residencies will provide training in aspects of theriogenology education, research, and clinical practice.

“We hope to provide for an increased awareness and respect for purpose-bred dogs,” he said.

Foundation administrators hope to provide residencies at three more schools each in 2015 and 2016. Residencies starting this year also could be continued beyond their current terms, potentially giving nine schools concurrent theriogenology residencies in 2016.

Dr. Franz said that, while his organization is providing labor and some money toward the residencies, an AKC grant will cover far more of the $300,000 cost. The foundation’s announcement states that the AKC recognizes the value of canine pedigree.

“The rapidly changing world of clinical theriogenology and genetic testing has given dog breeders the tools to produce healthier litters and puppies with predictable aptitudes and temperaments,” the announcement states. “With this grant, the AKC acknowledges that keeping pace with the needs of their membership involves investing in the next generation of veterinary specialists.”