Board acts on informatics recommendations
In June, the Executive Board considered two recommendations from the Committee on Veterinary Medical Informatics. The board gave partial funding to only one of them. The CVMI asked for $5,000 to send the director of the AVMA Secretariat for the Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine International to three SNOMED meetings, two in the United States and one in the United Kingdom. Veterinary involvement in SNOMED will help ensure that the veterinary community can communicate effectively within the profession and that a common language is spoken between veterinary and human medicine. With an eye on the budget, the board chose to provide $3,000 for the director to attend the two meetings in the United States. The committee also asked for $14,500 so that another member of CVMI could continue to serve as a liaison to the Health Level 7 and Logical Observation Identifier Names and Codes standards organizations, two standards endorsed by the AVMA for the effective exchange of animal health information. The board requested CVMI to explore means of reducing the amount of the request and postponed their decision until the next board meeting. The CVMI will present options to the board at its July 22 meeting. | ||