Aquaculture effluent standards published
At press time, final rules for aquaculture effluent standards were slated for publication in a June issue of the Federal Register. These standards were greatly influenced by the AVMA-Joint Subcommittee on Aquaculture/Aquaculture Effluents Task Force liaison relationship. Formed in 1999, this effluent task force provided science-based information, via a broad-based stakeholder and technical expert process, to assist the Environmental Protection Agency in the development of national effluent limitations guidelines and standards for aquaculture facilities in the United States. Through the liaison relationship, the AVMA substantively influenced the evolution of the EPA's thinking on the matter. Because the EPA has completed their evaluation, however, the liaison relationship is no longer needed, and in June, the AVMA Executive Board voted to discontinue it. The action will save the AVMA $850. | ||