JAVMA news
Mission: delivering preventive medicine
USPHS veterinarians contribute to humanitarian mission on U.S. Navy hospital ship
Help prevent suicide in veterinary medicine
Protecting the wellbeing of ourselves and our colleagues is a priority for veterinary professionals year-round, and Suicide Prevention Awareness Month…
Preventing sexual harassment in veterinary medicine
All of us can play a role in putting an end to sexual harassment in the veterinary profession. These resources can help you end harassment in your…
AVMA news
American College of Veterinary Preventive Medicine – July 13, 2024
The American College of Veterinary Preventive Medicine (ACVPM) held its annual diplomate meeting virtually on July 13. The ACVPM presented awards and…
AVMA news
American College of Veterinary Preventive Medicine – June 17, 2023
The American College of Veterinary Preventive Medicine (ACVPM) held its annual diplomate meeting virtually on June 17. The ACVPM presented awards and…
AVMA news
American College of Veterinary Preventive Medicine – July 30, 2022
The American College of Veterinary Preventive Medicine held its annual diplomate meeting on July 30 in Philadelphia. The ACVPM presented awards,…
JAVMA news
Roth elected to National Academy of Medicine
In October, the National Academy of Medicine announced Dr. James Roth, the Clarence Hartley Covault Distinguished Professor of Veterinary Microbiology…
JAVMA news
Resisting heartworm prevention
Nearly all dogs given heartworm prophylaxis are protected, but two parasite experts said they have seen evidence that some heartworms are resistant to…
JAVMA news
The evolution of shelter medicine
Society is demanding medical care, rather than euthanasia, for shelter animals with treatable conditions—according to veterinarians in the field of…
JAVMA news
Preventing prescription errors
Veterinary and pharmacy associations are trying to improve communication and avoid conflicts involving drug substitutions and prescriber…
JAVMA news
Preventive care: good for animals and the profession
The veterinary profession is in constant peril, and, like any animal patient, in need of preventive care.
AVMA news
Treating anxiety to prevent canine aggression
Anxiety-reducing drugs are an often-overlooked tool that can help prevent aggression in dogs.
JAVMA news
Good medicine
Most families living on South Dakota’s Rosebud Sioux Indian Reservation can scarcely afford to feed themselves, let alone pay
JAVMA news
AAHA offers webcast on preventive care guidelines
The American Animal Hospital Association is offering a webcast about the new AAHA-AVMA guidelines on preventive care for dogs and cats.
AVMA news
Breaking into beehive medicine
Dr. Kaitlyn Krebs, assistant clinical professor of primary care at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine, urges all clinicians…
JAVMA news
Excellence in veterinary medicine
The AVMA conferred a number of awards in August during the AVMA Annual Convention in San Diego
Suicide prevention: You can make a difference
Knowing the facts about suicide can help save a life. Throughout September, the AVMA recognizes Suicide Prevention Awareness Month to help inform…
AVMA news
Tailoring medicine by reading the code for life
Researchers in animal genetics indicate they have seen a profound influence of the Human Genome Project on animal medicine and comparative medicine in…
JAVMA news
Bad medicine or natural remedy?
Veterinarians can expect to treat more cases of accidental marijuana poisoning
Food supply veterinary medicine
Information on food supply veterinary medicine - why it's important, where FSVM veterinarians are compared to livestock, who’s involved, what’s the…
For National Dog Bite Prevention Week (April 7-13), experts provide tips to prevent likelihood of bites
According to the latest data from the AVMA, 45% of U.S. households include a dog or dogs, for a total of 88 million canine companions in the United…
JAVMA news
Education, communication are important strategies to prevent suicide among veterinarians
The Suicide Prevention Roundtable aimed to change the prevailing narrative about suicide in the veterinary community with evidence-based strategies…
AVMA news
NAVTA, Virox launch certificate program in infection prevention
The National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America, in partnership with Virox Technologies, has launched The Infection Prevention Leader…