JAVMA news
Pet Care Trust encourages expanded interest in companion animal species
The Pet Care Trust Foundation promotes public understanding regarding the value of and right to enjoy companion animals.
JAVMA news
Think tank reacts to KPMG study
The remarks focused on how communication and business training can be inserted into veterinary college curricula
JAVMA news
New standards model developed for veterinary medical data
The AVMA Executive Board approved funding for Dr. Case to continue working toward HL7 inclusion of veterinary-specific structures
JAVMA news
AVMA supports animal feeding strategy
The AVMA Executive Board approved a recommendation that the Association support the EPA/USDA Unified Strategy for Animal Feeding Operations.
JAVMA news
Board funds projects, states positions
The AVMA Executive Board at its Nov 19-21 meeting made many decisions on behalf of the Association.
JAVMA news
Additional AVMA committee positions available -
Additional AVMA committee positions available
JAVMA news
Foundation solid with new executive director
The American Veterinary Medical Foundation recently added Paul Amundsen to the team as the new executive director
JAVMA news
Liaisons, representation, and sponsorships decided
AVMA EXECUTIVE BOARD Liaisons, representation, and sponsorships decided Following is a summary of the…
JAVMA news
Changes enrich convention
AVMA EXECUTIVE BOARD Changes enrich convention The immense popularity of wet labs for veterinarians, unveiled…
JAVMA news
Requirements finalized for administering CPE
AVMA EXECUTIVE BOARD Requirements finalized for administering CPE To shorten the waiting period for…
JAVMA news
Rapid Response Research Fund established
A Council on Research proposal to establish a Rapid Response Research Fund was approved, and $15,000 was allocated.
JAVMA news
New practice handbook to build professional image
New practice handbook to build professional image The AVMA is announcing the release of its fifth customized practice
JAVMA news
Welfare of equids ever-evolving
Welfare of equids ever-evolving If all horses could talk like the famous Mister Ed, their caregivers would not have…
JAVMA news
Entrepreneur takes top spot at NCVEI
Entrepreneur takes top spot at NCVEI The National Commission on Veterinary Economic Issues
JAVMA news
Franklin head of AAEP herd
Dr. Benjamin Franklin Jr, Miami Lakes, Fla, officially took the reins as the AAEP's 2000 president on Dec 7, 1999.
JAVMA news
Leadership mulls market study
The Executive Summary of the latest economic study of the entire US veterinary profession was released last year
JAVMA news
Presidential Rank Award conferred on Sundlof
ACCOLADES Presidential Rank Award conferred on Sundlof FDA-CVM director, Dr. Stephen F. Sundlof is one of…
JAVMA news
North American Veterinary Conference sets attendance record
North American Veterinary Conference sets attendance record The 2000-2001 NAVC board: (front, left) Dr.…
JAVMA news
Futurist to address veterinary economics at AVMA General Session
Futurist to address veterinary economics at AVMA General Session