JAVMA news
Pet Care Trust encourages expanded interest in companion animal species
The Pet Care Trust Foundation promotes public understanding regarding the value of and right to enjoy companion animals.
JAVMA news
Think tank reacts to KPMG study
The remarks focused on how communication and business training can be inserted into veterinary college curricula
JAVMA news
New standards model developed for veterinary medical data
The AVMA Executive Board approved funding for Dr. Case to continue working toward HL7 inclusion of veterinary-specific structures
JAVMA news
AVMA joins Minor Use/Minor Species Coalition, steps up efforts to address product availability
The Executive Board authorized the Association to become a member of the Minor Use/Minor Species Coalition
JAVMA news
Seda, Nave take AVMA business on the road
When you're a veterinarian balancing the demands of practice and modern life, you've got to make every hour count.
JAVMA news
Liaisons, representation, and sponsorships decided
AVMA EXECUTIVE BOARD Liaisons, representation, and sponsorships decided Following is a summary of the…
JAVMA news
Davis' aid to impoverished animals earns welfare award
Davis' aid to impoverished animals earns welfare award
JAVMA news
Welfare of equids ever-evolving
Welfare of equids ever-evolving If all horses could talk like the famous Mister Ed, their caregivers would not have…
JAVMA news
Entrepreneur takes top spot at NCVEI
Entrepreneur takes top spot at NCVEI The National Commission on Veterinary Economic Issues
JAVMA news
Franklin head of AAEP herd
Dr. Benjamin Franklin Jr, Miami Lakes, Fla, officially took the reins as the AAEP's 2000 president on Dec 7, 1999.
JAVMA news
Nasal strips for sport horses approved in 15 states
Nasal strips for sport horses approved in 15 states
JAVMA news
Florida not tickled by threat of infestation
Florida not tickled by threat of infestation The persistence of disease-carrying parasites in their state is…
JAVMA news
Middle East meets West
Middle East meets West A Bedouin tent near Be'er Sheva in Southern Israel may seem an unlikely setting for…
JAVMA news
National Mastitis Council reiterates commitment to global involvement
National Mastitis Council reiterates commitment to global involvement Jim Dickrell, Monticello, Minn, 1999-2000…
JAVMA news
Session speakers are strictly business
Session speakers are strictly business Perk up your business savvy by picking up tips from more than a dozen…
JAVMA news
Nash new pharmacopeia veterinary director
Dr. C. David Nash Jr, Gallatin, Tenn, joined the US Pharmacopeia as director
JAVMA news
The future's bright for 2000 and beyond: Swine veterinarians, industry making strong comeback
The future's bright for 2000 and beyond: Swine veterinarians, industry making strong comeback After overcoming what's
JAVMA news
Disaster conference gives animal issues a seat at the table
One way to learn and improve on the process of disaster management is to combine the resources and experiences of those who have experienced disasters…
JAVMA news
SNOMED Secretariat receives support
The most costly proposal before the Executive Board in April was the AVMA Committee on Veterinary Medical Informatics' recommendation to
JAVMA news
International exhibition is not art of the ordinary
The 13th International Exhibition on Animals in Art was shown in the
JAVMA news
Richardson, others recognized for contributions
Michigan veterinarian Dr. John H. Richardson received the AAHA's highest
JAVMA news
Veterinarians: quiet contributors to nation's policy
Food safety, small-business tax relief, and animal well-being during air travel. The AVMA has had something to say to Congress on all these issues.