Whether you’re looking for health insurance, life insurance, liability insurance, or other coverage for yourself, your family and your business, the…
JAVMA news
Is disability insurance right for you?
Disability insurance, in particular, is an often overlooked or misunderstood protection.
JAVMA news
Insurers say pet care spending, visits increase with insurance
Pet insurers want veterinarians’ help convincing pet owners to buy insurance, which industry representatives say is connected with
JAVMA news
Health insurance costs
A study recently published in the New England Journal of Medicine puts a dollar amount on the growing cost of medical care in the United States.
AVMA news
Association of insurance commissioners passes Pet Insurance Model Act
The AVMA was among the participants in the drafting process for a new model state law from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners…
JAVMA news
Dental insurance an affordable benefit
The number of Americans covered by dental insurance has increased dramatically
UNDER REVIEWPet health insurance
The AVMA endorses the concept of pet health insurance that provides coverage to help defray the cost of veterinary care and encourages veterinary…
JAVMA news
GHLIT offering insurance exchange
The AVMA Group Health & Life Insurance Trust announced Feb. 12 that it will launch a private insurance exchange this spring to assist members of the…
Do you need pet insurance?
Pet insurance can offset some of the costs of your pet's healthcare. Talk to your veterinarian and research your pet health insurance options.
JAVMA news
Pet insurance policy revised
The Executive Board approved Guidelines on Pet Health Insurance and Other Third Party Animal Health Plans, as revised and
JAVMA news
The new landscape of health insurance
Veterinarians will feel the impact as individuals and as practice owners when provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act that will…
JAVMA news
AVMA health insurance returns
The AVMA and AVMA LIFE announced the return of an employer-based association health insurance program for AVMA members that will initially be…
JAVMA news
Regulatory standards on pet health insurance being developed
There were nearly 2.82 million dogs and cats with pet health insurance at the end of 2019 in the United States and Canada. A new model law will likely…
JAVMA news
Insurance planning vital to veterinarians' financial future
Insurance can also play a vital role in a veterinarian's overall personal and professional financial planning.
JAVMA news
Why the rising cost of health insurance?
For many insureds, health insurance premiums have been increasing at a rate of 10 percent to 15 percent per year
JAVMA news
AARP offers discount on pet health insurance
AARP has partnered with Petplan pet health insurance to offer AARP members a discount on Petplan policies.
JAVMA news
Open insurance enrollment begins Oct. 1
Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, the initial enrollment period for purchasing health insurance for 2014
JAVMA news
Pet health insurance statement revised
Posted on June 13, 2003 The AVMA Executive Board approved revisions recommended by the Council on Veterinary Service to the pet health insurance…
JAVMA news
Peer-managed health insurance provides advantages
Veterinarians make hundreds of decisions every day—care decisions for patients, business decisions for the practice, and personal decisions about…
Pet health insurance: Know the facts
JAVMA news
Professional overhead expense insurance
Today's typical veterinary student may spend upward of $30,000 every year toward his or her training, making a veterinarian's education a truly…
Professional Liability Insurance Trust Board of Trustees
The AVMA Professional Liability Insurance Trust was established by the Association in 1962 to provide professional liability malpractice insurance…
JAVMA news
AVMA GHLIT medical insurance to end after 2013
AVMA Group Health & Life Insurance Trust medical coverage will end for some 17,500 Association members and thousands of their dependents at year’s…
JAVMA news
Trust connects members with medical, other insurance
The AVMA Group Health & Life Insurance Trust is connecting thousands of AVMA members with major medical coverage and other insurance products
JAVMA news
Pets covered under auto insurance policy
Progressive Group of Insurance Companies, an auto insurer based in Mayfield Village, Ohio, recently announced its collision