Humane endings
Learn about veterinarians’ responsibility to animals during final life stages: end of life, human perspectives, humane killing techniques, and…
JAVMA news
Treasurer: Nonfinancial resources need bolstering
Our financial resources at AVMA are strong. It is our human resources, our capacity, and our capability or skill sets as well as our infrastructure…
JAVMA news
Evaluating humane slaughter
Evaluating humane slaughter General Accounting Office critiques enforcement of humane slaughter act This past…
JAVMA news
Humane endings
The Association hosted a symposium where best practices for euthanasia were examined and research directed at refining those practices
FDA releases opioid resources for veterinarians
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has released a new resource to help veterinarians play a constructive role in addressing the human opioid…
JAVMA news
Humans receive skilled care at veterinary school
With the threat of Hurricane Rita looming, a group at Texas A&M University, along with human resources from state and federal
Gonadectomy resources for veterinarians
Conversations are ongoing among veterinarians about when and whether to sterilize pets, and how to balance societal interests with the benefits and…
Guidelines for the humane slaughter of animals
The AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter of Animals provide guidance for veterinarians to prevent pain and distress in animals designated for…
Resources for pet owners
Keeping animals healthy requires teamwork. As an owner, you're an important part of that team.
JAVMA news
Providing a humane death
The 2013 edition of the AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals expands on information provided by the AVMA on the process of, and…
JAVMA news
Cannabis resource published for AVMA members
With many states allowing medicinal marijuana use in humans and some allowing recreational use as well, the AVMA believes it is important for members…
JAVMA news
Armadillos likely source of human leprosy
Armadillos appear to be a likely cause of human cases of leprosy in the southern United States, according to an article published in late April.
JAVMA news
FDA offers resource on extralabel drug use
The Food and Drug Administration recently released “The Ins and Outs of Extra-Label Drug Use in Animals: A Resource for Veterinarians.”
Cannabis resource published for AVMA members
More tools to come With many states allowing medicinal marijuana use in humans, and some allowing recreational use as well, it’s important for…
JAVMA news
Human and animal medicine meet on the bridge
The Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine hosted a symposium, The Bridge Between Veterinary Medicine and Human Health,
UNDER REVIEWAddressing the role of veterinary medicine in human health care following catastrophes involving mass human casualty
AVMA encourages authorities to address licensing, liability, policy and other issues to adequately recognize and validate the opportunity and benefits…
AVMA news
AVMA releases expanded humane slaughter guidelines
The latest edition of the AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter of Animals builds on the original 2016 version, with sections on fur-bearing…
JAVMA news
Researchers study noise, human contact in shelters
Recent research has examined the effect of noise and of human contact on dogs at animal shelters.
AVMA news
Facility dogs provide mental, physical health benefits to humans
Dr. Todd T. French, a Department of Defense advisor, says using the human-animal bond to promote wellbeing during stressful events is an overlooked…
Resource Links: Amphibians, Reptiles and Salmonella
Links to information about the transmission of Salmonella from handling reptiles and amphibians.
JAVMA news
Improving human health protection
Veterinarians will soon have more concrete infection control guidelines, thanks to the joint efforts of many individuals, including veterinarians and…
JAVMA news
Ending human deaths from dog-transmitted rabies
A coalition of global health organizations hopes to eliminate human deaths from dog-transmitted rabies by 2030.
JAVMA news
Resources on veterinary feed directives cover honeybees, aquaculture
The AVMA has produced new resources on veterinary feed directives, covering VFDs for honeybees and aquaculture.
Canine influenza: Veterinary resources
Review how to recognize, diagnose, and prevent canine influenza, a highly contagious infection caused by two specific influenza A viruses.
JAVMA news
Humane community comes to aid of companion animals
National humane organizations immediately came through with offers of assistance to local authorities.