JAVMA news
Leadership mulls market study
The Executive Summary of the latest economic study of the entire US veterinary profession was released last year
JAVMA news
USP to look at food animal medication practices
US Pharmacopeia announced this May it will explore the possibility of developing drug compounding guidelines
JAVMA news
Federal, industry initiatives directed at violative residues in market beef, dairy cows
Although reports of violative residues in meat and poultry are uncommon, such residues are found in certain classes of animals such as
JAVMA news
Providing guidance on antimicrobial use
The AABP has been guiding its members on decisions on antimicrobial use.
JAVMA news
PPA loss leaves veterinarians looking for alternatives
On Nov 3, the FDA announced a decision to initiate rule making to classify phenylpropanolamine as not generally recognized as
JAVMA news
Drug compounding position statement adopted
Compounding services have become more abundant as veterinary pharmacies multiply and enjoy financial success.
JAVMA news
Nationwide companion animal market survey budgeted
Updated information on pet ownership, demographics, and veterinary service use by households will be the desired outcome of the 2002 US Companion
JAVMA news
San Antonio proves popular site for AAEP convention
San Antonio proves popular site for AAEP convention
JAVMA news
Why the rising cost of health insurance?
For many insureds, health insurance premiums have been increasing at a rate of 10 percent to 15 percent per year