AVMA news
Balancing growth, quality as veterinary education landscape evolves
The AVMA House of Delegates took on the topic of accreditation during its Veterinary Information Forum, held January 10 during its winter session in…
Chart of the month: New insights on student debt
The average debt-to-income ratio for 2024 veterinary graduates entering full-time employment was 1.4. What does that mean?
AVMA news
CVTEA announces policy changes, decisions
The AVMA Committee on Veterinary Technician Education and Activities (CVTEA) had a busy year as it oversaw the accreditation of more than 200…
AVMA news
Board chair addresses Colorado ballot initiative, highlights emerging technology task force
Dr. Robert Knapp, chair of the AVMA Board of Directors, talked with AVMA News about everything from a recent labor market study by Brakke Consulting…
Complaints and comments regarding program quality
The AVMA Council on Education (COE) provides an opportunity for interested parties to submit written comments concerning college qualifications for…
AVMA news
Officer election changes, dues increase among proposals going before HOD
The AVMA Board of Directors has referred newly proposed or revised policies, revised rules for office election campaigns, and a request for a dues…
President's Column: I resolve … Getting involved in 2025
As we reach the end of another year and welcome in 2025, many of us will reflect on the past while also looking to the future. If you’re like AVMA…
American Veterinary Medical Association partners with YM Careers to enhance job board services
The AVMA is pleased to announce a new partnership with YM Careers, a leading job board platform, to provide its members with an enhanced career center…
AVMA news
Animal welfare competition tests critical thinking, ethical judgement skills
The Fall 2024 AVMA Animal Welfare Assessment Contest, also known as AWJAC, recently brought together hundreds of competitors from across North America…
Sheep and goat castration
Castration is a routine animal husbandry procedure used to avoid unwanted reproduction, prevent behavioral problems, and improve meat quality in sheep…
AVMA news
Veterinary technician licensing about to get faster
Several Veterinary Technician National Exam policy changes by the American Association of Veterinary State Boards, which manages the application and…
AVMA: Santa’s reindeer pass annual veterinary exam, cleared for flight
Children around the world received some good news today, with officials from the North Pole confirming that Dasher, Dancer, Prancer and the rest of…
Call for comments: Distance education in veterinary colleges
The AVMA Council on Education® is seeking comment on the potential use of distance education in veterinary educational programs that lead to a DVM,…
AVMA news
AVMA adopts new policies on climate change, certificates of veterinary inspection
The new policy on “Climate Change and Related Sustainability Issues” was approved by the AVMA Board of Directors during its November 13-15 meeting at…
AVMA news
Revisions to AVMA policies on adopting research animals, end-of-life care receive approval
The AVMA Board of Directors (BOD) approved revising a number of policies at its November 13-15 meeting at AVMA headquarters in Schaumburg, Illinois,…
2024 AVMA Animal Welfare Assessment Contest winners announced
The Fall 2024 American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) Animal Welfare Assessment Contest (AWJAC) took place recently at the University of…
Apply to be an AVMA COE site visitor
Would you like to learn about and help with accreditation reviews at veterinary colleges? The AVMA Council on Education is looking for veterinarians…
President’s Column: Join us at 2025 VLC
Will we see you at the Veterinary Leadership Conference in January? AVMA's president, Dr. Sandra Faeh, reveals her favorite part of this unique CE…
Climate change and related sustainability issues
AVMA is committed to mitigation and adaptation efforts on climate change and related sustainability issues.
AVMA news
Filling the rural veterinarian gap
Multipronged efforts to increase the number of rural and food animal have generally been successful at what they’ve been designed to do. However, none…
Existing veterinary colleges adequate to meet US companion animal veterinary demand until at least 2035, major new study published in JAVMA finds
An analysis of long-term supply and demand trends for veterinary services estimated that the existing educational infrastructure would meet demand in…
AVMA news
Microaggressions, over time, leave a mark
Subtle slights targeting marginalized peoples can eventually cause negative health effects, says Marian Vasser, who led a workshop on ways of avoiding…
Certificates of veterinary inspection
AVMA affirms that veterinarians must be accredited by USDA APHIS in the state in which they practice to complete certificates of veterinary inspection…
AVMA news
25 years of fighting antimicrobial resistance: AVMA’s Committee on Antimicrobials leads the way
Every year, World Antimicrobial Awareness Week is celebrated November 18-24 to improve awareness and understanding of the issue and encourage best…
AVMA news
Nourishing roots with Chef Brave Heart
Kimberly Tilsen-Brave Heart, a member of the Oglala Lakota Nation and award-winning cook, says food is the bridge that builds connection and culture.…