One Health - OHITF Final Report (2008)

One Health: A New Professional Imperative

One Health Initiative Task Force: Final Report

In 2007, the AVMA Executive Board took official action to establish the One Health Initiative by approving a recommendation by then-president Dr. Roger K. Mahr to establish a One Health Initiative Task Force (OHITF). The OHITF, comprising thirteen visionary individuals and communicators, was charged by the AVMA Executive Board with the task of defining the “One Health” concept, and with delivering recommendations and strategic actions that would support and expand the concept across multiple health professions.

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Preface and Acknowledgments

I. Executive Summary

II. Purpose of the Task Force Report

III. Introduction

IV. Charge to the Task Force

V. Response to Task Force Charge

  • Defining One Health
  • Where One Health is working
  • Where the concept is needed
  • What are the barriers?
  • How do we address the barriers and challenges
  • Identifying potential solutions to overcome barriers and meet challenges

VI. Recommendations



  • Appendix A: Task Force Members
  • Appendix B: Continuity of Effort
  • Appendix C: One Health Initiative Draft Proposal for Funding
  • Appendix D: "Wise-person" Discussion and Summary of Comments
  • Appendix E: Academic Summary