Climate change and related sustainability issues

The AVMA recognizes the significant health impacts arising from climate change, including the anthropogenic drivers of the problem. The AVMA has endorsed the World Veterinary Association's position that climate change is a global emergency, recognizing that veterinarians have a professional responsibility to protect environmental health. The AVMA also acknowledges that climate change is one of several interrelated sustainability challenges and is best addressed in the context of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

The health impacts of climate change are disproportionately born by future generations as well as communities less able to respond, such as historically marginalized and lower-resourced cohorts.

To aid in mitigation and adaptation efforts on climate change and related sustainability issues, the AVMA:

  1. Urges veterinary professionals to adopt and promote sustainable practices in their business operations.
  2. Encourages companies supplying the veterinary profession to quantitate, report, and reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.
  3. Invites veterinarians to collaborate with other health professionals, organizations, clients, and the public to develop adaptation and preparedness strategies that will minimize the negative health consequences resulting from climate change.
  4. Advocates for the adoption of, and research into, sustainable animal production practices that prioritize animal health, animal welfare, and enhanced food security.
  5. Supports approaches that consider environmental, ethical, and economic consequences of actions to address climate change and other sustainability issues.
  6. Encourages veterinarians to communicate with the public about the One Health impacts arising from climate change and other environmental hazards.
  7. Supports responsible extractive industry practices that minimize negative impacts on animals, humans, and the environment, and believes that industry transparency is critical to achieve this goal.
  8. Will continue to review AVMA operations pursuing best practices in sustainability.

Related policy

WVA position on the global climate change emergency