CATalyst Council launches grant program to improve care of cats

The CATalyst Council, which seeks to enable the lifelong health and welfare of companion cats, recently launched a grant program to improve the care of cats.

CATalyst, which counts the AVMA among its sponsors, will make grant awards in variable amounts up to the council’s total budget of $20,000 for the pilot year of the program. Examples of areas of interest include telemedicine, animal welfare or sheltering, data collection, access to care for the wellness of companion cats, and preventive care.

Dr. Jane Brunt, CATalyst Council executive director, said the hope is to fund projects that will improve lifelong health care of companion cats and access to care. Jody Jones, CATalyst project manager, said, “We’re just really excited about the opportunity to bring some new and relevant knowledge forward that will help people invested in helping cats lead a healthier, better life.”

Other programs of the CATalyst Council include Connect to Care, previously known as Catalyst Connection, which connects new pet adopters to local veterinarians.

Eligible applicants for the new grant program comprise 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organizations, academic institutions or other educational entities, or any individual or entity that resides and operates in North America and will use the funds exclusively for grant purposes.

The deadline for applications is Nov. 1 for consideration for the 2022 awards. The CATalyst Council will announce the awards on Dec. 1 for the 2023 calendar year.

Applicants should submit proposals at catalystcouncil.org. Additional information is available by emailing catsatcatalystcouncil [dot] org (cats[at]catalystcouncil[dot]org).

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