100 Healthy Tips to Support a Culture of Wellbeing
Veterinary health and wellbeing are top of mind for veterinarians across the profession, including at the AVMA. As you and your veterinary team…
170-plus AVMA members take to Capitol Hill
More than 170 veterinarians traveled to Capitol Hill on Thursday, Aug .1, to hold meetings with members of Congress on important legislative issues…
2018-2019 AVMA congressional fellows announced
We’re thrilled to introduce two distinguished veterinarians who have been named to serve as AVMA congressional fellows in 2018-2019, bringing needed…
2022: The year in veterinary news
What a year 2022 was for veterinary medicine. Take a look back at the year's top news stories.
2022 leadership conference welcomes a new era in veterinary medicine
Strong leadership is needed now more than ever. Hone your leadership skills and help develop the next generation of leaders at this year’s Veterinary…
20th annual Animal Welfare Assessment Contest announces winners
The 20th annual Animal Welfare Assessment Contest gave undergraduates, graduate students, veterinary students, AVMA member veterinarians, and members…
3 AVMA award recipients announced
Three people who have made important contributions to animal welfare, human-animal interaction, and veterinary medicine will be honored together at…
5 Practical economic insights for all veterinarians
The 2019 AVMA Economic Summit covered many topics crucial to thriving in daily practice – including behavioral science, marketing, innovation, and…
Achieve your personal goals with help from AVMA
AVMA has many resources to help veterinarians thrive in our personal lives. They range from budgeting and wellbeing tools to discounts on…
Add science to your scroll: Follow AVMA journals on social
AVMA's scientific journals have expanded their social media presence. Now, it's even easier than ever for working veterinarians to stay abreast of the…
Advancing veterinary medicine through the 2018 U.S. Farm Bill
Every five years, Congress invests in U.S. agriculture in a legislative overhaul called the Farm Bill. This major effort authorizes and funds programs…
Advocacy just got more fun
Participation in veterinary advocacy is leveling up. With the AVMA’s Congressional Advocacy Network (CAN), every advocacy action you take now earns…
Advocacy update: Illicit xylazine, retirement saving, and budget wins
What's happening in Washington, D.C., that affects you? The AVMA's Capitol Hill update outlines some of the most recent developments.
Alleviating veterinary shortages: Efforts reintroduced in Senate
The VMLRP Enhancement Act would enable more veterinarians to receive student loan relief, and help increase access to rural veterinary care.
Amoxicillin: Will a human drug shortage affect veterinarians?
A shortage of some amoxicillin products used in human medicine could affect veterinarians who use the drugs in an extra-label manner. No shortage of…
Animal welfare competition: Test your skills
Attention AVMA members, veterinary students, undergraduates, and graduate students: You’re invited to take part in a unique and interactive learning…
Animal welfare contest taps virtual opportunities
The annual AVMA Animal Welfare Assessment Contest is moving online this year. That’s good news for AVMA members interested in earning CE credits in…
Animal welfare contest draws record attendance; Meet the winners
Kudos to more than 260 participants in the AVMA Animal Welfare Assessment Contest, who spent a November weekend honing their animal welfare knowledge…
Announcing AVMA Virtual Convention this summer
This summer we're hosting the first ever AVMA Virtual Convention August 20-22, 2020. Join colleagues from across the profession for three days of…
Announcing featured sessions at the 2020 Economic Summit
Get a preview of the timely topics and high-caliber speakers you’ll experience at AVMA's 2020 Economic Summit, taking place online October 26-28.…
Announcing reduced membership dues for interns and residents
Annual dues for AVMA members pursuing a full-time program of graduate study, postgraduate study, internship, or residency are now just $92. It’s part…
Answering clients’ questions about CIRDC
Canine infectious respiratory disease complex (CIRDC) is in the news, and clients understandably have questions. Here’s information you can share to…
Dr. Anthony Fauci to address AVMA Virtual Convention attendees
Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), will deliver a special video briefing about COVID-19…
Antibiotic Awareness Week: New and updated resources for veterinarians
Antibiotics and other antimicrobials are critical tools to fight disease in both animals and people. Because veterinarians work at the intersection of…
Antimicrobial resistance: AVMA takes steps to address a critical health issue
Antimicrobial use and antimicrobial resistance are hot issues in society right now, and protecting veterinarians’ access to these drugs that are…