Student AVMA (SAVMA)

IVSA Individual Exchange Application

 International Opportunities for Veterinary Students

IVSA USA of the International Veterinary Student Association

IVSA Individual Exchange Application FormPDF file

Check List for Exchange Applications

  • Create member account at under "new user registration"
  • Completed International Exchange Application form
  • Recommendation Letter
  • Cover Letter
  • Current Photo


  • Email the following to the US exchange officer:
  • Completed hard copy of the application form to the US exchange officer
  • Recommendation letter
  • Cover letter with photo

Email documents to:
The SAVMA International Exchange Officer
SAVMAIEOatgmail [dot] com (SAVMAIEO[at]gmail[dot]com)

Rules for Individual Exchanges

(Please read them carefully!)
  1. Exchanges are available to students enrolled in member faculties and to individual members of I.V.S.A. Please create a member account at under "New user registration."
  2. Exchanges are to be arranged through the I.V.S.A. Exchange Officer (EO) in each member faculty.
  3. Every application must be accompanied by recommendation letter from either a faculty member or veterinarian who knows the student personally and can speak to their work ethic, experience and character.
  4. A cover letter is required and should explain what your goals are and what your past veterinary related work experience is. Also include information about the flexibility (or lack) of your schedule for the time period you request.
  5. A photo (scanned is acceptable) is requested so that we have a face to place with the applications. Does not have to be of passport quality.
  6. Some countries may require a filing fee. The exchange officer will notify the student if that is the case.
  7. The EO will send one copy of this form to the country the student wishes to visit, one copy for the student and one for him/her self.
  8. The host country will endeavor to provide free board and lodging whenever possible.
  9. EO's are asked to ensure that the exchange forms arrive at the host country at least 6 month before the exchange date.
  10. The EO of the hosting country has to let the student know within the following month (i.e. 5 months before the exchange is going to take place) if an exchange is possible and if not, whether or not the application form should be sent to the 2nd choice country.
  11. In case the application form is sent to the EO of the 2nd choice country she/he will have to let the student know within the next month if an exchange is going to take place. So the student will know at least 4 months in advance if there is going to be an exchange.
  12. Once the exchange has been confirmed by the EO, the student MUST contact the host veterinarian/clinic to confirm personally the exchange. Contact should be established at the latest 2 months before the exchange will take place.
  13. If no contact has been established 2 months before the exchange has to take place, it is up to the EO of the host country to find out for what reason no contact has been established. The EO has one month to accomplish this. This means that the veterinarian, both the EO and the student know at least one month before the exchange whether or not it is going to take place.
  14. If students fail to contact the veterinarian without good reasons, she/he can be excluded from any other exchanges.
  15. If the student requires assistance in acquiring a visa, she/he must request that information in writing at the time of application.
  16. Students should arrange their own personal health insurance. If they choose not to, they do so at their own risk.
  17. The above rules shall apply at the discretion of the host country.
  18. The applicant should complete the necessary evaluation form and send it to the EOs within 30 days of completing the exchange. The EO will put the relevant information in the evaluation form that has to be sent to the Chief Exchange Officer.
  19. All exchanges are arranged at the applicants own risk and the IVSA cannot be responsible for any loss, injury or death resulting directly or indirectly from exchanges arranged through the organization.

IVSA Member Location List

*Please note: Some IVSA member countries may be more active than others during certain years, and availability of exchanges depends on that country's exchange officer's ability to place students. The countries with stars are active this year and are more likely to be able to place students.

*Australia – IVSA Sidney
*Austria – IVSA Austria
Bangladesh – IVSA Bangladesh
*Belgium – IVSA Gent
*Bosnia – IVSA Bosnea
Bulgaria – IVSA Sofia
Canada – IVSA Guelph
Chile – IVSA Universidad Mayor
*Croatia – IVSA Croatia
*Denmark – IVSA Denmark
Egypt – IVSA Assuit
Finland – IVSA Finland
France – IVSA Nantes
Germany – IVSA Hannover
*Germany – IVSA Liepzig
Ghana – IVSA Ghana
Greece – IVSA Thessaloniki
*Greece – IVSA Thessaly
*Grenada – IVSA Grenada
Hungary – IVSA Hungary
Iran – IVSA Teheran
Israel – IVSA Israel
*Japan – IVSA Japan
Kenya – IVSA Nairobi
Latvia – IVSA Latvia
Lithuania – IVSA Lithuania
Macedonia – IVSA Macedonia
Madagascar – IVSA Madagascar
*Malaysia – IVSA Malaysia
Mexico – IVSA Toluca
Nepal – IVSA YAW
*Netherlands – IVSA The Netherlands
Nigeria – IVSA Abu
Nigeria – IVSA Maiduguri
Nigeria – IVSA Nigeria Ibadan
Nigeria – IVSA Nsukka
Nigeria – IVSA Sokoto
Norway – IVSA Norway
Perú – IVSA Perú
Phillipines – IVSA Los Balas
*Poland – IVSA Poland Lublin
*Poland – IVSA Poland Olsztyn
*Poland – IVSA Poland Warsaw
*Poland – IVSA Poland Wroc?aw
Portugal – IVSA Lisbon
Romania – IVSA Cluj–Napoca
Romania – IVSA Iasi
Russia – IVSA Russia
Serbia and Montenegro – IVSA Belgrade
Slovakia – IVSA Slovakia
*Slovenia – IVSA Slovenia
*South Africa – IVSA South Africa
*South Korea – IVSA South Korea
Spain – IVSA Barcelona
Spain – IVSA Leon
*Spain – IVSA Lugo
*Spain – IVSA Madrid
Spain – IVSA Murcia
Sudan – IVSA Khartoum
*Sweden – IVSA Sweden
*Switzerland – IVSA Bern
*Switzerland – IVSA Zurich
*Taiwan – IVSA Taiwan
*Turkey – IVSA Ankara
*Turkey – IVSA Firat
*Tunisia - IVSA Tunisia
*UK and Ireland – UK and Ireland
Ukraine – IVSA Kharkiv
Ukraine – IVSA Kyiv
Zambia – IVSA Zambia