February 15, 2021
American Society of Laboratory Animal Practitioners
Virtual meeting, Oct. 26, 2020
More than 170 members participated in the meeting. Dr. Stephen T. Shipley, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, delivered the keynote address, “Sled Dogs, Snow, and Moose Stew—One Veterinarian’s Iditarod Adventures.” A virtual continuing education seminar titled “Novel Approaches to Pain Management” was held on Oct. 1. The seminar drew 123 attendees and covered acupuncture, fish analgesia, multimodal analgesia in exotics, management of pain and distress in zebrafish, and laser therapy. Recordings are available for purchase via the ASLAP website until April 1 and will provide five CE credits.
The society has a balanced budget submitted and approved for 2021 and is in good shape financially, with more than a year’s worth of operating expenses in reserve in savings accounts. As an AVMA-allied organization, ASLAP has representative positions to fill on several AVMA committees.
Drs. Carrie Freed, Columbus, Ohio, president; Sally Thompson-Iritani, Seattle, president-elect; Bernard J. Doerning, Lexington, Kentucky, secretary-treasurer; Steven T. Shipley, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, immediate past president; and AVMA delegate and alternate delegate—Drs. Patricia V. Turner, Wilmington, Massachusetts, and Suzanne Craig, Charleston, South Carolina