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Looking inward to find balance
Are horse veterinarians checking out early?
Clinician-scientist, now AAEP president, wants her passion to be contagious
USDA awards funds to support rural veterinary services
FDA warns of eye injuries with use of canine ear medications
Mentoring future colleagues
AVMA supports faculty advisers’ professional development
Animal research helps pets, too
WHO: Unfit medical products common in developing countries
FDA revokes draft compounding guidance
USDA to test feral swine poison
Shortage of pain drugs results from manufacturing issue
Equine practitioners, supporters lauded for their efforts
Winn awards grants for nine new feline health studies
FFA announces winner of award in veterinary science
Applications invited for grants in laboratory animal science
Kentucky VMA
Robertson Hale promoted by FSIS
American Association of Zoo Veterinarians
ACVIM Foundation dissolves, gives funds to Morris Animal
Washington State VMA