Examining board gets new look, name

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The National Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners announced that it has changed its name to the International Council for Veterinary Assessment in addition to taking on a new look.

The new name is part of a rebranding of the organization. Research showed that there was a general lack of awareness of what the organization does and the role that it plays in veterinary medicine.International Council for Veterinary Assessment logo

The NBVME has done far more than provide the North American Veterinary Licensing Examination, according to Dr. Karen Lehe, ICVA chair, in a Nov. 28, 2016, press release. She cited the organization’s Veterinary Educational Assessment, which allows veterinary colleges to evaluate students’ basic science knowledge, and its species-specific examinations, used by licensing boards for evaluating disciplinary cases and for other purposes. And, increasingly, the organization is working on an international level. The NAVLE is administered in 24 countries. International graduates must also take the NAVLE if they intend to practice in North America.

The rebranding process has also resulted in a new logo and various marketing materials, including a new website that was rolled out early this year. The name change to International Council for Veterinary Assessment is a more accurate reflection of what the organization already does rather than an indication of changes coming, according to the release. For more information, visit here.