Acupuncture specialty petition denied

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AVMA leaders have denied a petition from an organization that wants to develop an acupuncture specialization.Veterinarian performing acupuncture on a dog

Members of the AVMA Board of Directors in April voted down a petition from veterinarians with the American Academy of Veterinary Acupuncture to have the AVMA recognize the academy as a specialty organization. The American Board of Veterinary Specialties, which receives such petitions and advises the board, had recommended denying the petition after finding a lack of scientific basis for such a specialty.

Gaining AVMA recognition as a veterinary specialty organization involves representing a distinct field of veterinary medicine backed by scientific knowledge and practice and accepted by the profession and public, according to ABVS standards. Other requirements include showing that the specialty will improve veterinary medical services, having enough potential diplomates to run a governing body with a certification process, and establishing training and examination standards for the specialty’s diplomates.