Auxiliary celebrates playful pets for National Pet Week

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The Auxiliary to the AVMA will celebrate playful pets for National Pet Week 2016, May 1-7. The theme is “Pets at Play Brighten Your Day.”

The AVMA and AVMA Auxiliary created National Pet Week in 1981 to foster responsible pet ownership, recognize the human-animal bond, and increase public awareness of veterinary medicine.

The Auxiliary held its annual poster and writing contests in 2015 to generate promotional materials for National Pet Week 2016.

Jaidyn Tuger of Hammond, Louisiana, was in seventh grade when she submitted the accompanying drawing that won the poster contest. Kylie Payne of Arlington, Texas, also was in seventh grade when she submitted the following poem that won the writing contest:

Pets at Play Brighten Your Day

Puppies, kittens, cats, and dogs
Hamsters, ferrets, fish, and frogs
Watching happy pets at play
Will bring much joy and brighten your day.

The Auxiliary is seeking entries for the poster and writing contests for National Pet Week 2017. “People Who Care Take Their Pet To The Vet” will be the theme. June 15 is the postmark deadline for entries. The contests are open to students in kindergarten through 12th grade.

To order the 2016 poster or get details about the 2017 contests, email infoatavmaaux [dot] org (info[at]avmaaux[dot]org) or call Greg Mooney at 419-560-0165.

“Pets at Play Brighten Your Day”