American Academy of Veterinary Nutrition

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Dr. Craig Datz
Dr. Datz

Event: 15th annual clinical nutrition and research symposium, June 3, Indianapolis
Program: The conference drew more than 160 attendees and featured oral and poster presentations. Dr. John Vicini of Monsanto presented “Safety of GMOs: Muddling Through the Myths and Legends”; Pat Harris of Waltham Centre Pet Nutrition presented “Our Journey Into Equine Obesity”; and David Dzanis of Regulatory Discretion Inc. presented “Regulatory and Legislative Updates.”
Awards: Case Report Competition, sponsored by Hill’s Pet Nutrition: First place—Rebecca Mullins, Knoxville, Tennessee, for “Nutritional management of a dog with megaesophagus after a unilateral arytenoid lateralization surgery”; second place—Claudia Wong, Guelph, Ontario, for “Successful weight loss and weight maintenance in a Dachshund following intervertebral disk herniation surgery”; third place—Rachel Majos, Guelph, Ontario, for “Successful nutritional management of an adult dog presenting for chronic obesity and difficulty losing weight with a high-protein, high-fiber, low-fat veterinary therapeutic weight loss diet.” Student Chapter Case Report Award, sponsored by Hill’s Pet Nutrition: The AAVN student chapter at Ontario Veterinary College won this award for Wong’s and Majos’ reports. AAVN/Waltham Student Presenter Award: Jenifer Molina, Bellaterra, Spain, for “Nutrition related risk factors for malnutrition and negative outcome in hospitalized dogs.” Life membership was awarded to Drs. Dorothy LaFlamme, Floyd, Virginia, and Tony Buffington, Columbus, Ohio.
Business: Dr. Sarah K. Abood reported on the membership and financial status of the academy, and Drs. Samantha Shields and Martha Cline reported on student chapter activity. Dr. Julie Churchill was named the AAVN representative to the Pet Nutrition Alliance board of directors. Dr. Churchill outlined the recent activities of the PNA and the steps planned to move forward with the alliance’s objectives. The executive committee announced plans to organize a strategic planning meeting to help define the future mission and objectives of the AAVN and to chart the future for the academy.
Officials: Drs. Craig Datz, St. Charles, Missouri, president; Martha Cline, Matawan, New Jersey, vice president; Jackie Parr, Guelph, Ontario, secretary; Sarah K. Abood, East Lansing, Michigan, treasurer; Samantha Shields, Grand Cayman, British West Indies, immediate past president; Wilbur B. Amand, West Chester, Pennsylvania, executive director; and members-at-large—Marjorie Chandler, Midlothian, Scotland; Richard Butterwick, Melton Mowbray, United Kingdom; and Pat Harris, Leicestershire, United Kingdom