Winn Feline Foundation awards grants for feline health studies

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The Winn Feline Foundation has awarded more than $173,000 in nine grants for feline health studies.Tabby cat on a chair

The foundation awarded grants for the following studies:

  • “Identifying a genetic variability in cats associated with resistance or susceptibility to feline calicivirus.” Principal investigator: Dr. John S. Parker, Baker Institute, Cornell University. $22,500.
  • “Evaluating the cardiovascular effects of a potential new drug, MK-476, in combination with dexmedetomidine for sedation or pre-anesthesia.” Principal investigator: Dr. Bruno Pypendop, University of California­-Davis. $17,083.
  • “Characterizing how FIP virus binds and enters cells.” Principal investigator: Gary Whittaker, PhD, Cornell University. $24,851.
  • “Using induced stem cells in a dish as a means to understanding hypertrophic cardiomyopathy development.” Principal investigator: Jijun Hao, PhD, Western University of Health Sciences College of Veterinary Medicine. $24,800.
  • E. coli, a gastrointestinal infection—looking at a cause of death in kittens and determining whether probiotics offer a protective effect.” Principal investigator: Dr. Jody L. Gookin, North Carolina State University. $22,011.
  • “Developing new drugs for the treatment of feline Tritrichomonas foetus infection.” Principal investigators: Lars Eckmann, MD, and Dr. Yukiko Miyamoto, University of California-San Diego. $15,000.
  • “Continued study into the use of stem cells for the treatment of chronic kidney disease in cats.” Principal investigators: Drs. Jessica M. Quimby, Colorado State University, and Allyson Berent, Animal Medical Center. $24,777.
  • “Analysis for three receptors in oral squamous cell cancer tissue biopsies—hope for a future treatment.” Principal investigators: Drs. Rebecca George and Annette Smith, Auburn University. $5,505.
  • “Exploring the use of a fat-­derived stem cell treatment for Syncytial Foamy Virus–positive cats with severe inflammation of the mouth and gums.” Principal investigators: Drs. Boaz Arzi, Dori L. Borjesson, and Frank J.M. Verstraete, University of California­-Davis. $16,594.56.