Hub offers resources, continues conversation on animal welfare

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The AVMA launched a comprehensive Web hub on animal welfare April 26 in celebration of World Veterinary Day 2014, which focused on the theme of animal welfare.

The hub offers a collection of AVMA resources on animal welfare such as policies, guidelines, and literature reviews.

Also via the hub, members of the AVMA and Student AVMA can join The Conversation, a dialogue on animal welfare that began in November 2013 during the in-person intraprofessional program “Can You Hear Me Now? The Conversation.”

“Last November’s program was attended by approximately 175 veterinarians representing the diversity of the profession,” said Dr. Gail Golab, director of the AVMA Animal Welfare Division. “While much common ground was identified, there were also clear areas of disagreement.

“Based on comments from attendees, the information presented and the dialogue that occurred at this workshop really brought home the complexity of animal welfare assessments and the tremendous responsibility and opportunity that exist for veterinarians in this field. There is clearly a benefit to opening this discussion much more broadly within the profession.”

Accessible from the new hub and available only to AVMA and SAVMA members, The AVMA’s Animal Welfare Conversation is a LinkedIn members-only group that provides opportunities to share information and conduct conversations with colleagues about animal use and care. In addition, AVMA and SAVMA members can access the audiovisual proceedings of the in-person program from the new hub.

“Having conversations like these can encourage and better equip us to fully embrace our role not only as experts in animal health but as primary protectors of animals’ welfare and advocates for sound public policy at all levels,” Dr. Golab said.

The new hub offers information on aspects of animal well-being such as proper breeding and selection, housing, nutrition, management, disease and injury prevention and treatment, and humane handling.

Among other events to celebrate World Veterinary Day 2014, the World Veterinary Association and European Commission co-hosted a Global Webinar on Animal Welfare on April 29 for veterinarians and members of the public. Dr. Golab participated in the webinar as the AVMA’s representative.

Related JAVMA content:

The Conversation (Jan. 1, 2014)