Task force to develop proposal for compounding legislation

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A new AVMA task force will develop a proposal for federal legislation to address issues related to veterinary compounding, pursuant to the Association’s policies on compounding. The AVMA Executive Board approved the task force during a Feb. 21 conference call.

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Issues related to veterinary compounding the task force will likely address include the legality of compounding from bulk substances, anticipatory compounding, maintaining office stocks of compounded products, and dispensing compounded products from office stocks.

In June 2013, the board updated AVMA policy regarding compounding to help the Association advocate for inclusion of veterinary compounding in federal legislation then under consideration. In late 2013, however, Congress passed and the president signed the Drug Quality and Security Act without provisions addressing veterinary compounding.

Nevertheless, the Food and Drug Administration is seeking to refine the agency’s approach to veterinary compounding. The Association submitted comments to the FDA encouraging the agency to refer to AVMA policies as the agency moves forward. In 2014, the FDA plans to revise the existing compliance policy guide on “Compounding of Drugs for Use in Animals,” last updated in 2003.

On the legislative front, Rep. Lee Terry of Nebraska spoke during a November 2013 congressional hearing about his desire for legislation to address veterinary compounding issues. In January, Congress asked that the Government Accountability Office prepare a report on the compounding of drugs for use in animals.

The AVMA Legislative Advisory Committee recommended formation of the AVMA task force to lead a dialogue among veterinarians, pharmacists, drug manufacturers, and the FDA about how to address veterinary compounding in federal legislation and regulations. The International Academy of Compounding Pharmacists also has requested a formal discussion with the Association on the subject.

The Task Force on Veterinary Compounding Legislation is a team of seven AVMA members knowledgeable in the compounding needs of practitioners along with invited participants from other organizations.

Related JAVMA content:

Unraveling the confounding world of compounding (March 1, 2013)

Compounding policies updated in anticipation of federal action (Aug. 1, 2013)