American College of Zoological Medicine

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Event: Annual meeting, Sept. 29, 2013, Salt Lake City
Awards: ACZM Student Manuscript Award: Dr. Natalie Hall, Orlando, Fla., for “Serum osmolality and effects of water deprivation in captive Asian elephants.” Honorable mention—Dr. Marion Desmarchelier, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, for “Evaluation of a fracture pain model in domestic pigeons.” President’s Award: Drs. Rob Coke, San Antonio; Marion Desmarchelier, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island; and Kathryn Gamble, Chicago
New diplomates: Eight diplomates completed the requirements for board certification by the ACZM in 2013. The new diplomates are as follows:

Paige Brock, Orlando, Fla.
Shannon Cerveny, San Antonio
Conor Kilgallon, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Sylvain Larrat, Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec
Kristen Phair, San Diego
Olivia Petritz, Woodland, Calif.
Marie Rush, Hoover, Ala.
Trevor Zachariah, Melbourne, Fla.

Officials: Drs. R. Scott Larsen, Denver, president; Sharon L. Deem, St. Louis, vice president; Kay Backus, Tulsa, Okla., secretary; Lisa Harrenstien, Portland, Ore., treasurer; and Mark Drew, Caldwell, Idaho, immediate past president