AAVMC takes on bigger role with education council

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The AVMA House of Delegates changed the AVMA Bylaws July 19 to alter the method of appointing members to the AVMA Council on Education. The AVMA and Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges will now share responsibility for making these appointments, covering the costs of participation, and providing staff support.

The amendment was a response to concerns that the previous method of appointment of COE members could lead to a perception that the AVMA was exerting an influence on the accreditation of veterinary colleges by the COE.AVMA COE logo

These concerns were expressed in public comments received during the U.S. Department of Education process last year to renew recognition of the COE as the accrediting body for veterinary colleges in the U.S.

Commenters voiced support for the creation of a joint accrediting body similar to the Liaison Committee on Medical Education, the accrediting body for medical schools, which is run jointly by the Association of American Medical Colleges and American Medical Association.

In response, the COE and AAVMC developed the proposal to change the method of appointment of COE members. Formerly, the AVMA HOD elected 15 of the council’s 20 members. The AAVMC and Canadian VMA appointed one member each, and the COE elected three public members.

Under the newly approved method, the AVMA and AAVMC will develop separate committees that will select eight and seven COE members, respectively. The three public members will continue to be elected by the COE, the Canadian representative will continue to be appointed by the Canadian VMA, and a veterinarian (formerly “liaison”) will continue to be appointed by the AAVMC.

Another bylaws amendment approved by the HOD removes the COE as a preapproval body for recommendations from the AVMA American Board of Veterinary Specialties to the AVMA Executive Board. The ABVS will now send recommendations directly to the board, with the COE retaining the option to comment.

A third bylaws amendment updates the composition and responsibilities of the AVMA Council on Veterinary Service in an effort to attract younger members to serve on this council. ​