Society for Theriogenology

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Dr. Ted Lock
Dr. Lock
Dr. Ralph L. Brinster
Dr. Brinster
Dr. Tom Riddle
Dr. Riddle
Dr. Scott Pretzer
Dr. Pretzer

Event: Annual conference, Aug. 20-25, 2012, Baltimore
Program: Plenary sessions featured “Theriogenology liability claims: all creatures great and small” by Dr. Nina Mouledous and “Empathy: what’s all the fuss?” by Kathleen Bonvicini, MPH, EdD. An educator’s forum, sponsored by The Theriogenology Foundation, included information on examination construction and discussions on the status of a uniform testing instrument for use in monitoring the teaching of theriogenology at veterinary schools. Twenty-eight scientific abstracts and six veterinary student case presentations were given during various sessions at the conference.
Awards: David Bartlett Honorary Address: Dr. Ted Lock, Bloomington, Ind., presented the address. Dr. Lock was recognized for his dedication to teaching and clinical service in equine theriogenology while at the University of Illinois. Career Excellence in Theriogenology Award, sponsored by The Theriogenology Foundation: Dr. Ralph L. Brinster, Philadelphia, was recognized for his contributions through the development of culture systems for mammalian embryos that have been used for research in transgenics, embryonic stem cells, and in vitro fertilization. Dr. John Steiner Award for Excellence in Practice: Dr. Tom Riddle, Lexington, Ky., was recognized for his expertise in theriogenology through his work with Thoroughbred breeding farms. Dr. Jerry Rains Memorial Abstract Competition, sponsored by Merck Animal Health: Dr. Elizabeth A. Coffmann, Columbus, Ohio, “Effect of electroejaculation on behavioral and hormonal indicators of stress and nociception in beef bulls,” first place ($1,000); Dr. Matthew Galati, Ithaca, NY., “Induction of hyperactivation in stallion sperm using 4-aminopyridine,” second place ($750); Dr. Derek G. Howell, Columbus, Ohio, “Effects of lactoferrin on stallion sperm survival and function in vitro,” third place ($500); and Dr. Brandon S. Forshey, Columbus, Ohio, “Effects of decreasing doses of follicle-stimulating hormone on multiple ovulations and embryo production in alpacas,” fourth place ($250). Veterinary Student Case Presentation Competition, sponsored by Pfizer Animal Health: Sam Gartland, University of Pennsylvania, “Equine oviduct dysfunction,” first place ($650); Rebecca Durand and Paige Taylor, Louisiana State University, “Successful nonsurgical management of uterine torsion in the mare,” second place ($525); Meghan Connor, University of Florida, “Hydrops allantois and amnion in a Thoroughbred mare,” third place ($450); Jared L. Voge, Iowa State University, “Abortion in a mare due to umbilical torsion,” fourth place ($375); Lauren Mack, Washington State University, “Breeding soundness examination and semen cryopreservation in a dog with unilateral Sertoli cell tumor and perineal mast cell tumor,” fifth place ($300); and Amanda Durand, Auburn University, “Diagnosis of congenital short penis with a filling defect in a bull,” sixth place ($200).
Business: The final revisions are being made to the bull breeding soundness examination electronic form. A strategic planning session was held in January. On the basis of that session, the SFT will focus on the social interactive community (Twitter and Facebook) to enhance membership in, and marketing of, the SFT. The Theriogenology Foundation, a joint effort between the SFT and American College of Theriogenologists, continues to attract contributions. The auction at the annual conference remains the Foundation’s signature fundraising event. The Theriogenology Foundation funded travel stipends for six veterinary students who participated in the case presentation competition, two students who presented competitive abstracts, and a resident, and it provided $2,500 in annual sponsorship funding for the ACT Educators Forum.
Officials: Drs. Scott Pretzer, Lincoln, Neb., president; Don Sanders, Marysville, Ohio, president-elect; Herris Maxwell, Auburn, Ala., vice president; Robyn Wilborn, Lafayette, Ala., secretary-treasurer; and Gary Warner, Elgin, Tex., immediate past president. Newly elected members of the board of directors are Drs. Isaac Bott, Elk Ridge, Utah; Etta Bradecamp, Lexington, Ky.; and Marty Greer, Lomira, Wis.