More Stories
American Association of Zoo Veterinarians
Feline health research grants awarded
What keeps you up at night?
Salmonella contamination in dog food linked to outbreak in humans
Board gives guides on workplace, competition, courts
Board makes appointments
Military experience invaluable to SAVMA president
AVMA expands diversity policy
AVMA provides guides on internship, residency quality
Veterinary outreach to Future Farmers renewed
AVMA to strengthen ties with Chinese VMA
Changes for Animal Welfare Symposium
Meeting of AVMA voting members Aug. 3
Ad hoc antimicrobial committee extended to 2013
HOD leadership program approved for 2013
Strategy and action
Javorka is new AVMA manager of recent graduate outreach
AVMA PLIT celebrates 50th anniversary
Accreditation standards revised for clarity
Looking ahead
Banfield report reveals increase in overweight pets, arthritis
Guidelines available on feline-friendly nursing care
California regulators clarifying pet dentistry restrictions
Federal law could affect mobile practice