AVMA releases report on state legislation
The AVMA State Legislative and Regulatory Affairs Department recently released a year-end report on more than 1,400 bills that the department tracked in 2011.
The executive summary and full report highlight major new state rules of interest to veterinarians, ongoing trends in state legislative and regulatory affairs, and other noteworthy developments.
In one development this past year, 17 states considered legislation that would establish registries listing individuals who have been convicted of animal cruelty. In 2010, New York's Suffolk County established what appeared to be the nation's first such registry. The county adopted an ordinance in 2011 requiring pet stores, breeders, and animal shelters to check the registry before allowing purchase or adoption of animals.
Among other developments, Virginia approved statutory standards of care for agricultural animals. Missouri reinstated the authority of the state pharmacy board over retail sale of veterinary prescription drugs. The state of Washington established certification requirements for individuals who practice animal massage.
The year-end report on state legislation provides information about many additional bills and regulations. The report is available at avma.org/advocacy/state under "State legislative updates."
Members of the AVMA also may subscribe to a monthly email newsletter on state legislation by visiting www.avma.org/myavma and looking under "Stay connected."