AVMA seeks future leaders

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Participants in the first year of the AVMA Future Leaders Program will present their team project in August during the 2012 Annual AVMA Convention in San Diego. The project is an online toolkit to assist early-career veterinarians in their professional career growth. The members of the first class of future leaders are, from left, Drs. Abigail Bowers, Elizabeth Nunamaker, Dustin M. Brown, Micah Kohles, Shannon Mesenhowski, Christopher Gargamelli, John T. Feutz, Erin Casey, Libby Todd, and Melissa Austin-Gundel. (Photo by R. Scott Nolen)
AVMA Future Leaders

The AVMA is seeking nominations and applications for the second year of the Future Leaders Program, which is designed to develop volunteer leaders for the AVMA and other organized veterinary groups.

Open to AVMA members who have graduated within the past 15 years, the program seeks to bolster leadership and problem-solving skills related to organized veterinary medicine for individuals representing all areas of the profession.

Up to 10 participants will complete training exercises in leadership and project management, working with a professional facilitator. They also will work together on one project impacting veterinary medicine.

The deadline for receipt of nominations and applications is Feb. 20. Program details and the nomination form are available by visiting www.avma.org.

Preference will be given to individuals with leadership experience and those nominated by a principal or constituent allied veterinary medical organization in the AVMA House of Delegates.