AVMA seeks nominations to Executive Board

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AVMA voting members in districts VII and IX have the opportunity to nominate representatives to the Executive Board.

Drs. Clark K. Fobian, District VII representative, and Theodore J. Cohn, District IX representative, will complete their six-year terms in August 2012. The Association is sending a letter to each AVMA voting member in districts VII and IX to invite nominations for representatives who will serve on the board for the next six-year term.

District VII comprises Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota. District IX comprises Arizona, Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Utah.

The Association will accept nominations for district representatives from a state VMA in the district or by petition of at least 50 AVMA voting members in the district.

District residents are eligible to run for the board if they have been AVMA members for at least the preceding five years. Nominations must include the nomination form, a letter from the candidate indicating a willingness to serve, a biographic summary, and a brief statement of the candidate's reasons for seeking office. The AVMA will post the latter two items at www.avma.org.

Feb. 1, 2012, is the deadline for receipt of nominations for district representatives. If a district has more than one nominee, the Association will mail a ballot to all voting AVMA members in the district.