Amendment would grant COE vote to AAVMC member
The AVMA House of Delegates will consider one proposed amendment to the AVMA Bylaws during its 2010 regular annual session in Atlanta, July 29-30. The text of the proposed amendment appears on this page.
In April, the Executive Board approved initiating this bylaws amendment and submitted it for HOD approval. The amendment would grant voting rights to the Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges' liaison representative to the AVMA Council on Education.
The COE had deemed this move appropriate, given the AAVMC representative's role on the council. The AAVMC liaison already participates fully in council activities, functions as a regular member on accreditation site visit teams, and has served as a site team chair.
The amendment began as a recommendation to the board from the AVMA-AAVMC Joint Committee. Last November, the board referred to the COE the committee's recommendation to initiate this bylaws amendment.
Proposed Bylaws Amendment 1 — 2010 Regular Annual Session
Submitted by
AVMA Executive Board
Amend Bylaws Article VIII—Committees/Councils/ Task Forces, Section 2. Councils.
Present and Proposed Wording*
Section 2. Councils.
b. Council on Education
1. Composition. The Council on Education shall consist of fifteen voting members of the Association, four additional members who are not voting members of the Association, and a liaison member who is not a voting member of the Council on Education.
Statement about the Bylaws Amendment
The AAVMC Liaison to the Council on Education (COE) fully participates in Council activities, but is not allowed to vote. The Liaison functions as a regular member on accreditation site visit teams, and often has served as site team Chair. The Liaison participates fully in all Council deliberations.
Veterinary College Deans and Associate Deans frequently serve on the Council as representatives of their professional discipline. Currently, two Deans and two Associate Deans serve as full voting members of the 19-member Council. Since accreditation is a form of self regulation and peer review, there is no prohibition for Deans to serve on accrediting bodies recognized by the US Department of Education, the Council on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA), or the Association of Specialized and Professional Accreditors (ASPA).
This proposed Bylaws amendment has been reviewed by the AVMA/AAVMC Joint Committee and COE. Following discussion, the COE concurred that it would be appropriate to recognize the contributions of the AAVMC Liaison by providing voting rights.
Financial Impact: None
*Type that has a continuous line through it is proposed for deletion.