Goals, objectives for AVMA re-evaluated

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The AVMA fine-tuned its strategic goals and objectives at the Executive Board's April 8-10 meeting to give the Association a sharper focus for 2010-2011.

The revisions to the AVMA Strategic Plan, proposed by the Office of the Executive Vice President and approved by the board, came two years after its inception.

The new version of the strategic plan incorporates the Association's Diversity Plan, approved by the board this past November, as tactics under the existing strategic objectives, among other things.

Dr. W. Ron DeHaven, AVMA CEO, and the five goal managers submitted the changes after undertaking a thorough review of the Association's strategic goals and objectives. The goal managers are responsible for implementing coordinated tactics to advance the strategic plan.

The five goals within the strategic plan are advocacy, veterinary workforce, education, animal welfare, and economic viability.

J. Karl Wise, PhD, AVMA associate executive vice president, said it was time to acknowledge that some projects at the tactical level had been completed, revised, or discontinued.

Other changes to the plan included adding the objective "Provide AVMA members with advocacy and small business resources necessary to be successful small business owners" under the advocacy goal and the objective "Sustain a strong leadership pipeline for the AVMA, state VMAs, and allied organizations" under the veterinary workforce goal.

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