AVMA asks members to help identify critical issues facing profession
The AVMA is inviting members to help shape the Association's strategic plan by identifying the most critical issues facing the veterinary profession.
The AVMA has initiated the Future Critical Issues Scan as part of ongoing efforts to update and refine its strategic plan. Association leaders hope the scan will produce feedback from all segments of the profession—private practice, government, industry, academia, research, and uniformed services.
"The input and active participation of our membership has gotten us to the strong position we are in today," said Dr. Larry R. Corry, AVMA president. "We need the continued input and participation of our members to get us to an even stronger position tomorrow."
The AVMA Executive Board approved the current strategic plan in April 2008. Association leaders and staff who developed the plan took into account feedback from members who offered several hundred comments via the AVMA Web site. The forum for members to "tell us what you think" relevant to strategic planning has remained available in the meantime but has not been very visible.
For the next round of strategic planning and for ongoing input, the AVMA invites members to visit the Web site to describe what they believe are the three most critical issues facing the profession in the next five years. The Executive Board will consider these comments during strategic discussions at future board meetings. For the April meeting, the board will consider comments that the AVMA receives by March 20.
Tell Us What You Think
Information about AVMA strategic planning and a link to the Future Critical Issues Scan are available here