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Janis H. Audin
Leader in virology, pathology given world veterinary award
Mass chicken depopulation to control infectious laryngotracheitis
CATalyst Council names Top 10 Cat-Friendly Cities
AAHA president brings business sense to veterinary practice
$1 million campaign to raise awareness of AAHA hospitals
Just the stats
One-health wonders
Many faces, one profession
Rheumatoid arthritis has no cure, but treatments exist
AVMA addresses international presence
Strategic Planning Committee sunset
Board appoints representatives to committees, liaisons
New AVMA policy: Animal carcasses not an immediate risk
Aquatic animal health measures approved
Voting member meeting scheduled for AVMA convention
Some pet policies revisited
Polices revised, reaffirmed, rescinded
Specialty boards recognized
AVMA endorses service dog program
AVMA: Mandatory spay/neuter a bad idea
Legislative priorities identified
Proposal could lead to privately funded student loan help
Board refines officer travel
AVMA looks to strengthen ties with veterinary students
Australian school seeks AVMA accreditation
Board moves to enhance relationship with trusts
With eye on purse strings, Executive Board looks ahead
Topical flea and tick products come under EPA scrutiny