AVMA continues to accept nominations to entities
Nominations continue to be invited for vacancies on AVMA entities and liaison positions.
The House of Delegates will fill council openings when it meets in July 2008 in New Orleans. Nomination materials, including the vacancies and descriptions of the councils, and instructions for publishing candidates' biographies in the 2008 Campaign Guide are posted on the AVMA Web site. Nominations must be submitted by April 1 to the AVMA Office of the Executive Vice President.
Two council vacancies have become available since the initial call for nominations (JAVMA, Nov. 15, 2007). One vacancy is on the Council on Communications, representing private practice—predominantly food animal, to fill an unexpired term ending in July 2012. The individual resigned in November. The other vacancy is on the Council on Education, representing nonprivate practice, nonacademic veterinary medicine, to fill an unexpired term ending in July 2009. Consistent with AVMA policy, the board removed a member from the COE for cause.
Nominations for each of the AVMA trust and committee vacancy positions are to be filled by the Executive Board at its April meeting. Two nominations are also invited for the Political Action Committee Policy Board, to be appointed by the House Advisory Committee at its spring meeting.
Trust and committee nomination materials, including the vacancies and descriptions of the various entities, are also posted on the AVMA Web site. Nominations must be submitted to the AVMA Office of the Executive Vice President no later than March 7.