Propelling AVMA forward

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Propelling AVMA forward

In addition to highlights reported in the Dec. 15, 2007, the Executive Board acted on a number of other recommendations during its November meeting that will move the Association forward.

This issue includes the board's take on numerous policy revisions or re-endorsements put forward by the Animal Welfare Committee. Another article reviews the board's actions on the Legislative Advisory Committee's recommendations on existing or draft federal legislation.

Other highlights include the establishment of a Candidate Qualifications Review Committee for the Council on Education and the funding approved for an AVMA State Public Policy Symposium in 2009.

Many of the AVMA policies referred to throughout the coverage are available in full on the AVMA Web site at

Animal welfare policies revised
Board acts on public health, regulatory medicine-related recommendations
Member, student needs addressed
Paid media consulting policy revised
AVMA adds to the 110th Congress legislative agenda
Policy on wildlife-livestock interactions reaffirmed
Candidate review committee established, resignations policy revised
AVMA continues to support global education grant program
Research institute concept moves forward
State public policy symposium approved for 2009
Toxicoses policy revised
Science, engineering fair award increased
COBTA-related recommendations approved
Representatives appointed to committees
Councils, committees evaluated
ECFVG proposals approved