Policy on wildlife-livestock interactions reaffirmed

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As recommended by the Animal Agriculture Liaison Committee, the Executive Board approved reaffirmation of the AVMA policy Wildlife-Livestock Interactions, which states the following:

Wildlife-Livestock Interactions

The AVMA encourages relevant federal and state agencies that deal with wildlife and domestic animal interactions to require the use of science-based evidence and peer-reviewed research to direct their health and resource management policies.

In April 2007 this policy was first recommended by the AALC and approved by the board. Shortly thereafter, a misunderstanding arose over an inference by the Committee on Environmental Issues that the recommendation's background information—reported in a May 15, 2007 JAVMA News story—implied that wildlife veterinarians had not used sound science in developing policy.

After dialogue with the CEI, the AALC offered a formal apology in the new recommendation's background for the implication and acknowledged that including the CEI in the policy-making initiative would have been prudent. In advance of the November board meeting, the CEI also sent a memorandum to the board saying that it joins the AALC in affirming and supporting this policy.