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FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine seeks student interns
FDA, feed control officials sign agreement on ingredient list
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Veterinarians to the rescue
AVMF funds emergency preparedness in 2008
Education council schedules site visits
Applications for student scholarships being accepted
Lefebvre joins Publications Division
Task force begins work on one-health initiative
ECFVG proposals approved
Councils, committees evaluated
Representatives appointed to committees
COBTA-related recommendations approved
Science, engineering fair award increased
Toxicoses policy revised
State public policy symposium approved for 2009
Research institute concept moves forward
AVMA continues to support global education grant program
Candidate review committee established, resignations policy revised
Policy on wildlife-livestock interactions reaffirmed
AVMA adds to the 110th Congress legislative agenda
Paid media consulting policy revised
Member, student needs addressed
Board acts on public health, regulatory medicine-related recommendations
Animal welfare policies revised
Propelling AVMA forward
Pictured is Dr. Anna Hollis of the University of Pennsylvania’s New Bolton Center, who won the Large Animal Resident Abstract Award at the international Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Symposium, held Sept. 26-30. The photo published on page 1642 of the Dec 1, 2007, issue of JAVMA was incorrect.