Call issued for nominations to AVMA entities

Council, committee, trust, liaison seats available
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Nominations are invited for 72 vacancies on AVMA entities and 10 liaison positions. The House of Delegates will fill council openings when it meets in July 2008 in New Orleans. The Executive Board will make committee, trust, and liaison appointments at its April 2008 meeting, and the House Advisory Committee will make two appointments at its spring 2008 meeting.  


The AVMA is currently seeking nominations to fill 12 council vacancies. Nominations shall be made by organizations represented in the HOD or by petition of 10 voting members. 

Council nomination materials, including descriptions of the councils, and instructions for publishing candidates' biographies in the 2008 Campaign Guide, will be posted by Nov. 1 on the AVMA Web site,  for access by AVMA delegates, chief staff officers of organizations represented in the HOD, and other interested parties. These materials can also be obtained by calling AVMA headquarters at (800) 248-2862, Ext. 6651, or e-mailing OfficeEVPatavma [dot] org (OfficeEVP[at]avma[dot]org).

Council nominations must be submitted by April 1, 2008, to the AVMA Office of the Executive Vice President. Nominators should use the prescribed nomination form to ensure that nominations will not be invalidated because the information supplied is incomplete.

Council members' terms are six years, and no council member may serve two consecutive terms on the same council. For this purpose, terms of three years or less will not be counted. No member may serve simultaneously in the HOD and on a council, or on two councils. A former council member may become eligible for election to a council at the next HOD annual session after the end of their council term. The AVMA Bylaws also require that, if an area of representation is specified in the vacancy, nominees must be actively engaged in that area or have been so at the time of retirement.

AVMA guidelines for council nominations further stipulate the following:

  • Nominations must be signed by an officer of the nominating organization.
  • A nominee will not be eligible to be a candidate for more than one council per year.
  • A candidate will not be permitted to change the category after the April 1 nomination deadline. 

Trusts, committees, and boards 

Nominations are invited for each of the AVMA trust and committee vacancy positions to be filled by the Executive Board at its April 2008 meeting. Two nominations are also invited for the Political Action Committee Policy Board to be appointed by the HAC at its spring 2008 meeting. Trust and committee nominations should be submitted to the AVMA Office of the Executive Vice President no later than March 7, 2008.

Nominations may be made by local or state veterinary associations, by allied groups represented in the HOD, or by an AVMA member on that person's or another's behalf.

Each nomination must include a one- or two-page curriculum vitae and a statement that the nominee has agreed to serve, if appointed. Only the first two pages of lengthier curricula vitae that are submitted will be reviewed.

Trust and committee nomination materials, including descriptions of the various entities, will also be posted by Nov. 1 on the AVMA Web site. Inquiries on these vacancies can be answered at (800) 248-2862, Ext. 6605, or by e-mail at OfficeEVPatavma [dot] org (OfficeEVP[at]avma[dot]org).

Because the professional classification codes serve as the reference to determine eligibility for a candidate to serve on an AVMA entity, it is imperative that the AVMA member's information be current. Therefore, candidates should visit the AVMA Web site at and check the accuracy of their professional activity information by clicking on Update Your Member Information, making any adjustments that may be necessary.


Council Professional category of vacancy Individual whose term expires
Biologic and Therapeutic Agents Private clinical practice, predominantly equine
Private clinical practice, predominantly small animal
   Joseph Bertone

   Kevin Hahn
Communications Private practice, predominantly equine   *J. Clyde Johnson
Education Private small animal clinical practice
Small animal clinical science
   Shannon McGee
   Gail Kunkle
Public Health and Regulatory Veterinary Medicine At-large
Public health agencies of the Armed Forces
   John Huntley
   Mark Starr
Research Veterinary medical research, two positions (members who are predominantly engaged in active research at the time of election.    David Hood
  *Kent Lloyd
Veterinary Service Private mixed practice, predominantly food animal or equine
Private practice, exclusively equine
   Charles Ozanian

   Lloyd Kloppe
Judicial None specified   *David Beauchamp

*Eligible for re-election
Predominantly means that 50 percent or more of the individual's professional activity is in the specified category.
Exclusively means that 90 percent or more of the individual's professional activity is in the specified category.


Committee or group Representing Individual whose term expires
Animal Welfare AAVMC
   James Fox
  *Daniel Marsman
  *Monica Schroder
Aquatic Veterinary Medicine Private/public practice aquarium or ornamental
Public health or epidemiology
Private/public practice food animal production
   Helen Roberts

  *Kathleen Hartmann
  *David Starling
AVMA/ASVMAE Joint Executive Board    Richard Coon
AVMA/NAVTA Liaison Executive Board    Richard Coon
Clinical Practitioners Advisory AAHA
AAHA, alternate representative
Zoo and wildlife
Zoo and wildlife, alternate representative
AASRP, alternate representative
  *Charles Lemme
  *Michael Cavanaugh
   Kathryn Gamble
   Kelly Helmick
  *Russel Hunter
Disaster and Emergency Issues Small animal practice
AVMA Veterinary Medical Assistance Teams
Equine medicine
Committe on Environmental Issues
   Maynard Jones
  *Terry Kane

  *Paul Schiltz
   Murl Bailey
ECFVG Council on Education    Gail Kunkle
Environmental Issues Veterinary toxicology
   Murl Bailey
  *Robinette Gilbert
   Stanley Hewins
Food Safety Advisory AAFHV
  *Charles Pixley
   John Huntley
Governance Performance Review AVMA committees
   Murl Bailey
  *Michael Topper
Human-Animal Bond Private clinical practice, predominantly equine,
Private food animal clinical practice
   Ray Hephner

   Allen Hoverson
International Veterinary Affairs Executive Board    David McCrystle
Legislative Advisory Executive Board
Executive Board
Executive Board
AAHA, alternate representative
HOD, alternate representative
AASRP, alternate representative
PAC Policy Board
   Larry Corry
   James Cook
   John Scamahorn
  *David Carron
  *Daniel Aja
  *George Bishop
  *Kenneth Greiner
  *LaRue Johnson
  *Edward Fallen
  *George Richards
Member Services Private clinical practice
Industry, exclusive
Recent graduates
Board-certified specialists
Nonacademic public sector veterinarians
  *Byron De La Navarre
  *Dana Fertig
  *Adam Langer
  *Lawrence McGill
  *Marianne Ross
PAC Policy Board Area 2, Central states   *George Richards
State Advocacy HOD
Executive Board
  *Gary Bullard
  *Charles Helwig
  *John Scamahorn
Strategic Planning AVMA committees
AVMA staff
   Donald Prater
   James Flanigan
Veterinary Technician
Education and Activities
Private small animal practice
Veterinary technicians
   Vicki Earnest
   Sharon Hurley
   Debbie Reed
Veterinary Leadership Conference Planning Recent graduates
Executive Board
   Heather Case
   Ted Cohn
GHLIT At-large   *Robert Hatch
PLIT At-large   *William McEniry
   John Vaughan
NCVEI AVMA    Randy Bush

*Eligible for re-election
If underlined, the organization nominates its representative


Group Representing Individual whose term expires
PAC Policy Board Area 1, Eastern states
Area 3, Western states
  *John de Jong
  *Howard Moore

*Eligible for re-election
If underlined, the organization nominates its representative

ANSI Z136.3 Subcommittee
Animal Producers Sub-Council
National Association for Biomedical Research
Alliance for Bovine Food System Health
National Institute of Animal Agriculture
National Mastitis Council
National Conference on Interstate Milk Shipments
American Fisheries Society, Fish Health Section
Compendium Committee on Infection Control Practices
Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care International
Kenneth Bartels
Joe Gillespie
Kent Lloyd
Christine Navarre
Charles Ozanian
Charles Ozanian
Paul Rapnicki
Helen Roberts
Rebecca Stinson-Dixon
Kent Lloyd
AAAP American Association Avian Pathologists
AACPPV American Association of Corporate and Public Practice Veterinarians
AAFHV American Association Food Hygiene Veterinarians
AAHA American Animal Hospital Association
AASRP American Association Small Ruminant Practitioners
AAVMC Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges
ACVPM American College of Veterinary Preventive Medicine
ASLAP American Society of Laboratory Animal Practitioners
ASVMAE American Society of Veterinary Medical Association Executives
CPHRVM Council on Public Health and Regulatory Veterinary Medicine
ECFVG Educational Commission for Foreign Veterinary Graduates
GHLIT Group Health and Life Insurance Trust
HOD House of Delegates
NAVTA National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America
NCVEI National Commission on Veterinary Economic Issues
PAC Political Action Committee