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Centennial celebrations for Alabama VMA
Industry Initiatives
College news
Tyson raising chickens without antimicrobials
Reminder: prescribing within veterinarian-client-patient relationship
APHIS names acting administrator
Study describes pathology of feline heartworm disease
FDA warns about risk of botulinum toxin in dog food
Windows on Washington
Panels reflect on recalls of pet food
Lands' End plus AVMA equal savings for members
AVMF announces scholarship recipients
Board makes appointments
Members of one-health task force named
Veterinarian, physician collaboration focus of AVMA convention
Opening Session illustrates global health interconnections
Corry and Brown throw hats into ring
The votes are in for AVMA councils and HAC
AVMA delegates elect Cook, Hendrix to key posts
AVMA budget impacts halls of Congress to clinical practices
Passing workforce expansion bill Hammer's top priority
HOD to begin holding two regular sessions
AVMA takes no position on foie gras, opposes database mining
AVMA releases foie gras production backgrounder
APHIS proposes to increase user fees for diagnostics
Comments sought on animal importation regulations
FDA issues final rule on designating new animal drugs for MUMS