Thirty-six allied or other veterinary-related organizations and several alumni groups from universities and colleges convened this year at the 143rd AVMA Annual Convention in Honolulu. The AVMA encourages and supports such meetings, as they contribute to the diversity of activities available during the convention.
Over a period of five days, the veterinary groups were involved in many activities, including lectures, certification examinations, business meetings, workshops, and social gatherings. Many of the organizations co-sponsored the AVMA's educational sessions.
The activities and honors awarded by some of the organizations are reported on the following pages.
Avian pathologists
Event: American Association of Avian Pathologists meeting, July 17, Honolulu Awards:Special Service Award: Dr. Y.M. Saif, Wooster, Ohio, was recognized for outstanding contributions to the field of avian medicine. A professor at The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine, Dr. Saif heads its food animal health research program. He serves as the AAAP's delegate to the AVMA House of Delegates. Calnek Applied Poultry Research Achievement Award: Dr. Nathaniel L. Tablante, College Park, Md., for outstanding research contributions resulting directly or indirectly in the control of one or more poultry diseases. Dr. Tablante is associate professor at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and University of Maryland. Lasher-Bottorff Award: Dr. John A. Smith, Baldwin, Ga., won this award, which recognizes an avian diagnostician/technical service veterinarian who has contributed significantly to the poultry health program in North America in the past 10 years. Dr. Smith serves as director of health and hatchery services at Fieldale Farms in Baldwin. Bayer-Snoeyenbos Award: Erica Spackman, PhD, and Darrell R. Kapczynski, PhD, both of Athens, Ga., were recognized as new-and-upcoming investigators. Drs. Spackman and Kapczynski are research microbiologists at the Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory in Athens. P.P. Levine Award: Hyun S. Lillehoj, PhD, Beltsville, Md., for her paper "Resistance to intestinal coccidiosis following DNA immunization with the cloned 3-1E eimeria gene plus IL-2, IL-15, and IFN-γ." Dr. Lillehoj works for the Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Research Service. Reed Rumsey Student Award: Dr. Kellye S. Joiner, Auburn, Ala. Dr. Joiner is a graduate student at Auburn University. Richard B. Rimler Memorial Paper Scholarship: Michele N. Maughan, Newark, Del. Maughan will be pursuing a PhD degree in microbial genomics at the University of Delaware. L. Dwight Schwartz Travel Scholarship: Dr. Mark A. Burleson, Starkville, Miss. Dr. Burleson is a 2006 graduate of Mississippi State University. Business: The AAAP will again support the AVMA Fellowship Program this year, in the amount of $3,000. Officials: Drs. Robert Owen, Mannheim, Pa., president; Pat Wakenell, Davis, Calif., president-elect; Charles L. Hofacre, Watkinsville, Ga., secretary-treasurer; Patty Dunn, University Park, Pa., Northeast director; Louise Dufour-Zavala, Flowery Branch, Ga., Southern director; Ching Ching Wu, West Lafayette, Ind., Central director; Stewart Ritchie, Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada, Western director; Richard Chin, Davis, Calif., immediate past president; Y.M. Saif, Wooster, Ohio, and Gregg Cutler, Moorpark, Calif., AVMA delegate and alternate delegate; and Mick Fulton, Lansing, Mich., and Rick Sharpton, Winterville, N.C., directors-at-large Contact: Dr. Charles L. Hofacre, Secretary-Treasurer, American Association of Avian Pathologists, University of Georgia, 953 College Station Road, Athens, GA 30602; phone, (706) 542-5645; fax, (706) 542-0249; aaapuga [dot] edu (aaap[at]uga[dot]edu); Web site,
Human-animal bond veterinarians
Event: American Association of Human-Animal Bond Veterinarians, July 18, Honolulu Officials: Drs. Richard Timmins, Davis, Calif., president; Martha Littlefield, Baton Rouge, La., president-elect; Marcy Hammerle, O'Fallon, Mo., secretary; Thomas Krall, St. Petersburg, Fla., treasurer; and Alice Villalobos, Hermosa Beach, Calif., immediate past president Contact: Dr. John S. Wright, Interim Executive Director, American Association of Human-Animal Bond Veterinarians, Veterinary Clinical Sciences Department, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Minnesota, C339 Veterinary Medical Center, 1352 Boyd Ave., St. Paul, MN 55108; phone, (612) 626-1280; fax, (612) 624-0751; wrigh008umn [dot] edu (wrigh008[at]umn[dot]edu); Web site,
Retired veterinarians
Event: American Association of Retired Veterinarians meeting, July 16, Honolulu Program: The guest speaker was Dr. Janet Whaley of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Marine Fisheries Service. Dr. Whaley spoke about the Marine Mammal Health and Stranding Response Program, addressing the history, current status of the federal law, and the role of veterinarians in maintaining the health of marine mammals and in the program. Business: The AARV approved a motion to donate money to the AVMA Fellowship Program, helping to financially support AVMA fellows. Officials: Drs. Arthur Freeman, Indianapolis, president; Bert Mitchell, Sarasota, Fla., secretary; Roger W. Batchelder, Cortland, N.Y., treasurer; Russell H. Anthony, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Central representative; and Roy H. Peterson, Tillamook, Ore., Western representative Contact: Dr. Bert Mitchell, Secretary, American Association of Retired Veterinarians, 5186 Cote du Rhone Way, Sarasota, FL 34238; phone, (941) 921-6426; fax, (941) 921-7187; bert [dot] mitchellearthlink [dot] net (bert[dot]mitchell[at]earthlink[dot]net)
Veterinary parasitologists
Event: American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists meeting, July 15-18, Honolulu Program: The meeting had in attendance approximately 125 scientists, students, and veterinarians from academia, government, and industry with a special interest in veterinary parasitology, from the United States, Canada, Europe, New Zealand, and Korea. Awards:AAVP Distinguished Veterinary Parasitologist Award, sponsored by Merial Ltd: Dr. John W. McCall, Athens, Ga., for outstanding contributions to the treatment and control of canine and feline heartworm disease. Vice president of the American Heartworm Society, Dr. McCall is professor emeritus at the University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine. Actively involved with filariasis research for 35 years, he also serves as president of TRS Labs Inc., in Athens. AAVP Distinguished Service Award: Dr. Raffaele "Raf" Roncalli, Milltown, N.J., for his support and service to the association. Retired from Merck & Co. Inc., Dr. Roncalli was twice elected president of the American Veterinary Medical History Society. He serves as historian for the AAVP. AAVP Outstanding Graduate Student Award, sponsored by Intervet Inc.: Sheila S. Mitchell, Blacksburg, Va. Mitchell is a graduate student at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and the University of Maryland. Best Student Presentation Award, sponsored by Bayer HealthCare: Jeanne M. Howell, Washington State University, and Martin K. Nielsen, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Frederiksberg, Denmark. Officials: Drs. Daniel E. Snyder, Greenfield, Ind., president; David S. Lindsay, Blacksburg, Va., president-elect; Susan E. Little, Stillwater, Okla., vice president and program chair; Alan A. Marchiondo, St. Joseph, Mo., secretary-treasurer; and Ann R. Donoghue, Fort Collins, Colo., immediate past president Contact: Dr. Alan A. Marchiondo, Secretary-Treasurer, American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists, IVX Animal Health., 3915 S. 48th St. Terrace, St. Joseph, MO 64503; phone, (816) 364-3777, Ext. 1375; fax, (816) 364-6021; alan_marchiondoivax [dot] com (alan_marchiondo[at]ivax[dot]com)
Poultry veterinarians
Event: American College of Poultry Veterinarians meeting, July 18, Honolulu New Diplomates: Eight new diplomates were welcomed into the ACPV. They are Drs. Atoussa Mazaheri, Turlock, Calif.; Ivan Alvarado, Athens, Ga.; Michael Martin, Cary, N.C.; Rafael Monleon, Raleigh, N.C.; Chris Wojnarowicz, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada; Andrea Sinclair, Athens, Ga.; Franz Sommer, Turlock, Calif.; and Davide Giovanardi, Reggio Emilia, Italy. Honorary diplomate status was granted to Dr. Richard Julian of Guelph, Ontario, Canada. Officials: Drs. Donald W. Oakwood, Ga., president; Sherrill Davison, Kennett Square, Pa., secretary-treasurer; and Richard Phillips, Pineville, La., immediate past president Contact: Dr. Sherrill Davison, Secretary-Treasurer, American College of Poultry Veterinarians, University of Pennsylvania, 382 W. Street Road, Kennett Square, PA 19348; phone, (610) 444-4282; fax, (610) 925-8106; acpvvet [dot] upenn [dot] edu (acpv[at]vet[dot]upenn[dot]edu), Web site,
Veterinary preventive medicine
Event: American College of Veterinary Preventive Medicine meeting, July 14-16, Honolulu Program: Dr. John Glisson, poultry disease scientist at the University of Georgia, reported on his recent visit to Southeast Asian poultry operations, including the various challenges of dealing with highly pathogenic avian influenza in that environment. Awards:Distinguished Diplomate Award: Dr. Salvatore M. Cirone, Riva, Md., for outstanding contributions to the ACVPM and the profession. Dr. Cirone is program director for health science policy in the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs. He also serves as the District of Columbia's delegate to the AVMA House of Delegates and was recently elected to the AVMA House Advisory Committee. Helwig-Jennings Award: Dr. J. Kevin Grayson, Davis, Calif., for contributions to the college and leadership in veterinary preventive medicine. A lieutenant colonel in the Air Force and an ACVPM councilor, Dr. Grayson serves as deputy director of clinical investigations at Travis Air Force Base in California. Frank A. Todd President's Award: Drs. Margaret N. Carter, Alexandria, Va., and Candace A. Jacobs, San Antonio, for meritorious service to the college through committee work, advocacy, and leadership. A colonel in the Army and president-elect of the ACVPM, Dr. Carter is deputy director, Department of Defense Veterinary Services Activity. A retired colonel from the Air Force and secretary-treasurer of the ACVPM, Dr. Jacobs is vice president of quality assurance and environmental affairs at H-E-B Grocery Company in San Antonio. Business: The ACVPM approved donating $500 to the AVMA Fellowship Program again this year. Dr. Jeanie Lin, 2005-2006 AVMA Congressional fellow, reported on activities over the past year. The ACVPM executive board approved an initiative for a psychometric job analysis of the membership's professional work activities and audit of the certifying examination procedures to ensure validity of future testing. The examination committee reported the successful use of computer laboratories during testing at The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine. New Diplomates: Twenty-three new diplomates were welcomed into the college following successful completion of the certifying examination. The new diplomates are Drs. Danelle Bickett-Weddle, Ames, Iowa; Johnny E. Braddy, Hyattsville, Md.; Robert D. Clarkson, Columbia, Mo.; Melinda Eaton, San Antonio; Rebecca I. Evans, Corvallis, Ore.; Renée H. Funk, Atlanta; Howard D. Gobble, Washington, D.C.; Scott E. Hanna, San Antonio; Stephanie I. Harris, Poulsbo, Wash.; Locke A. Karriker, Ames, Iowa; Margaret L. Khaitsa, West Fargo, N.D.; Robert P. Lavan, Collegeville, Pa.; H. Neal Lockood, Helotes, Texas; Ted Y. Mashima, Rockville, Md.; Richard W. Meiring, Marysville, Ohio; Susan M. Miller, Alexandria, Va.; Alejandro Ramirez, Ames, Iowa; Peggy L. Schmidt, Temecula, Calif.; Julie R. Sinclair, Willow Grove, Pa.; Jason W. Stull, Barrington, N.H.; Joseph T. Weaver, Fort Collins, Colo.; Matthew G. Welborn, Knoxville, Tenn.; and Carl J. Williams, Ralesville, N.C. Officials: Drs. John R. Herbold, San Antonio, president; Margaret N. Carter, Alexandria, Va., president-elect; Candace A. Jacobs, San Antonio, secretary-treasurer; Russell W. Currier, Des Moines, Iowa, executive vice president; Patricia B. Scharko, Lexington, Ky., immediate past president; David R. Smith, Davey, Neb., president of the Specialty of Epidemiology; and councilors—Drs. Gary L. Bowman, Milford Center, Ohio; J. Kevin Grayson, Davis, Calif.; and Liz A. Wagstrom, Clive, Iowa Contact: Dr. Russell W. Currier, Executive Vice President, American College of Veterinary Preventive Medicine, P.O. Box 22219, Clive, IA 50325; phone, (515) 331-4439; fax, (515) 331-4947; evpacvpm [dot] org (evp[at]acvpm[dot]org); Web site,
Laboratory animal practitioners
Event: American Society of Laboratory Animal Practitioners, July 18, Honolulu Awards:ASLAP Excellence in Research Award: Dr. M. Michael Swindle, Charleston, S.C. Professor and chairman of the Department of Comparative Medicine at the Medical University of South Carolina, Dr. Swindle was recognized for his development of swine as translational research models. Plaque of appreciation: Immediate past president, Dr. Stephen L. Denny, Frederick, Md., for his dedicated support and leadership of the organization over the past year. Business: It was announced that the ASLAP Foundation has been recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) organization. The foundation may now participate in the matching gifts program offered through many employers. Officials: Drs. Peggy Danneman, Bar Harbor, Maine, president; Karl J. Field, Princeton, N.J., president-elect; Fred M. Rock, Princeton Junction, N.J., secretary-treasurer; and Stephen L. Denny, Silver Spring, Md., immediate past president Contact: Fred M. Rock, Secretary-Treasurer, American Society of Laboratory Animal Practitioners, One Squibb Drive, New Brunswick, NJ 08903-0191; phone, (732) 227-7261; fax, (732) 227-3982; rockfbms [dot] com (rockf[at]bms[dot]com); Web site,
Veterinary medical association executives
Event: American Society of Veterinary Medical Association Executives meeting, July 15, Honolulu Awards:Jim LaGrone Executive of the Year: Ralph Johnson, Denver, for exemplifying the best in association management and continually bringing credit to the profession and the association community. Johnson is the executive director of the Colorado VMA, Colorado Veterinary Medical Foundation, and Denver Area VMS. Under Johnson's directorship, the CVMA and DAVMS have each seen a rise in membership and an increase in retention rates, and more than 29 programs have been undertaken to promote excellence in veterinary medicine through education, advocacy, and outreach. President of the Colorado Society of Association Executives, Johnson also serves on the board of directors of the ASVMAE, the Animal Assistance Foundation, and the Colorado Pet Overpopulation Fund. Distinguished Volunteer Service Award: Elbert "Hutch" Hutchins, Austin, Texas, in recognition of exceptional service to the ASVMAE. Executive director of the Texas VMA, Hutchins is a past president of the ASVMAE, has served on the VMA.CE Online Management Committee, and contributed greatly to the ASVMAE listserv. Innovative Member Service Project Award: Nancy Klaffky of the Connecticut VMA, for the "Cause for Paws" program. The program, developed by the CVMA in partnership with Best Friends Pet Care, delivers pet oxygen masks to fire departments in Connecticut. Since its inception, 167 masks have been distributed. Officials: Emily Kane, Phoenix, president; Michelle Wagner, Reno, Nev., president-elect; Charlene Wandzilak, Hershey, Pa., secretary; Dr. Charles Franz, Montgomery, Ala., treasurer; and Richard Antweiler, Jefferson City, Mo., immediate past president Contact: Emily Kane, President, American Society of Veterinary Medical Association Executives, 100 W. Coolidge St., Phoenix, AZ 85015; phone, (602) 242-7936; fax, (602) 249-3828; ekaneazvma [dot] org (ekane[at]azvma[dot]org), Web site,
Health information managers
Event: American Veterinary Health Information Management Association meeting, July 17-19, Honolulu Program: The association presented "Web tools work well" at the 2006 Talbot Symposium on Computers and Veterinary Informatics, conducted by the Association for Veterinary Informatics. Awards:Outstanding Service Award: Margaret Neterer, East Lansing, Mich., was recognized for her 25 years of service to the association. Past secretary of the AVHIMA, Neterer works at the University of Michigan Veterinary Teaching Hospital. Officials: Valerie E. Ball, Raleigh, N.C., president; Tanis Comrie, Guelph, Ontario, Canada, president-elect; Susan McBride, Mississippi State, Miss., secretary; and Bobbi Schmidt, Columbus, Ohio, immediate past president Contact: Valerie E. Ball, President, American Veterinary Health Information Management Association, North Carolina State College of Veterinary Medicine, 4700 Hillsborough St., Raleigh, NC 27606; phone, (919) 513-6520; fax, (919) 513-6225; Valerie_ballncsu [dot] edu (Valerie_ball[at]ncsu[dot]edu), Web site,
Veterinary history society
Event: American Veterinary Medical History Society meeting, July 17, Honolulu Program: AVMHS president, Col. Gary Vroegindewey, spoke about World War II veterinarians in the Pacific theatre. Dr. Munetsugu Ogata of Azabu University reported on the progress of veterinary dermatology in Japan. Dr. Billy Bergin, author of "Loyal to the Land: The Legendary Parker Ranch, 750-1950," gave a historical review of the first century of veterinary medicine in Hawaii. Dr. Bergin, who served as veterinarian at Parker Ranch on the Big Island of Hawaii for more than 25 years, also described animal health practices at the ranch. Dr. Ben Okimoto, veterinarian at the Honolulu Zoo, spoke about the history of the zoo and the introduction of animals to the islands. Weining Zhao, first secretary of agriculture from the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Washington, D.C., summarized the progression of veterinary medicine in China over the centuries. The history of veterinary disaster medicine was reviewed by Dr. Sebastian Heath, Washington, D.C. Drs. J. Alford Moore, Humble, Texas, and Sally Jepson, Corbett, Ore., described their experiences in videotaping interviews of past presidents of the Texas VMA and early women veterinarians, respectively. Awards:J. Fred Smithcors Student Veterinary History Essay Contest, sponsored by Merck & Company: First place ($750)—Amy Lynn, Cornell University, for "Cats are not small dogs: the emergence of feline medicine"; second place ($500)—David Gardiner, Cornell University, for "The age of veterinary specialization"; and third place ($250)—Melissa Bourgeois, University of Florida, for "From 1946 to the present—NASA's contribution to the veterinary medical sciences." Business: Dr. Phyllis Larsen, chair of the Committee on Students, presented a report concerning the establishment of a new Student Connections Panel. The panel's goal would be to increase student interest in the changes that have occurred in the art and science of veterinary medicine over time. The panel would also work on ways to promote veterinary history among students. Officials: Col. Gary Vroegindewey, Falls Church, Va., president; Dr. Zbigniew Wojcinski, Ann Arbor, Mich., president-elect; Susanne Whitaker, Ithaca, N.Y., secretary-treasurer; and David J. Williams, West Lafayette, Ind., immediate past president Contact: Susanne Whitaker, Secretary-Treasurer, American Veterinary Medical History Society, 23 Wedgewood Drive, Ithaca, NY 14850; phone, (607) 253-3499; fax, (607) 253-3080; skw2cornell [dot] edu (skw2[at]cornell[dot]edu); Web site,
Lesbian and gay veterinarians
Event: Lesbian and Gay VMA meeting, July 17, Honolulu Awards:Annual Achievement Award: Dr. Vic Spain, Philadelphia, and Noel Rosales, MD, Philadelphia, were honored for outstanding service to the LGVMA. A 1993 graduate of the University of California-Davis, Dr. Spain is the bioterrorism and communicable disease epidemiologist for the Philadelphia Department of Public Health. He has a special interest in zoonotic diseases of companion animals and urban wildlife and has conducted research on early-age spay and neuter in dogs and cats. Dr. Rosales is an attending pediatrician for Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and directs its Cultural Effectiveness Initiative. The LGVMA also dedicated an annual achievement award to all members of the veterinary profession who provided services and support to the animal and human victims of hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Two scholarships in the amount of $500 were presented to Travis Reed (MSU '09) and Sara A. Stoll (WES '08). Officials: Drs. Michael D. McElvaine, Washington, D.C., president; Vic Spain, Philadelphia, secretary; Michael Miller, Alameda, Calif., treasurer; and members-at-large—Rosanne Hatcher, Salem, Wis., Jennifer Thomas, Royal Oak, Mich., and Joe "Chip" Wells, Washington, D.C. Contact: Dr. Michael D. McElvaine, President, Lesbian and Gay VMA, 1325 13th St. N.W. 32, Washington, DC 20005; phone, (202) 720-8121; fax, (202) 720-1815; mmcelvaineaol [dot] com (mmcelvaine[at]aol[dot]com); Web site,
Animal behaviorists
Event: Annual meeting, held jointly by the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior and American College of Veterinary Behaviorists, July 17, Honolulu Program: There were approximately 100 attendees at the event. Awards:AVSAB Student Research Award, sponsored by Premier Pet Products: Emma Williford (COR '07) and Christine Asgar (COR '07), for "Validation of in-shelter temperament tests by correlation with post adoption owner surveys." ACVB R.K. Anderson Resident's Award, sponsored by Premier Pet Products: Dr. Lisa Radosta-Huntley, Glen Mills, Pa., for "Comparison of thyroid values in aggressive and non-aggressive dogs." Officials: AVSAB—Drs. John J. Ciribassi, Carol Stream, Ill., president; Kathy Meyer, Gaithersburg, Md., president-elect; Lisa Radosta-Huntley, Philadelphia, treasurer; Melissa Bain, Davis, Calif., immediate past president; Sophia Yin, Davis, Calif., recording secretary; and Laurie Bergman, Davis, Calif., member-at-large; ACVB—Drs. Debra Horwitz, St. Louis, president; Barbara Simpson, Cary, N.C., president-elect; Lynne Seibert, Kenmore, Wash., secretary-treasurer; Gary Landsberg, Thornhill, Ontario, Canada, immediate past president; Bonnie Beaver, College Station, Texas, executive director; and members-at-large—Drs. Valarie Tynes, Fort Worth, Texas, and Vint Virga, East Greenwich, R.I. Contact: AVSAB—Dr. John J. Ciribassi, President, American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior, 1042 Mountain Glen Way, Carol Stream, IL 60188; phone, (630) 231-1544; fax, (630) 231-1544; drjdvmgmail [dot] com (drjdvm[at]gmail[dot]com); Web site,; ACVB—Dr. Gary Landsberg, Immediate Past President, American College of Veterinary Behaviorists, Doncaster Animal Clinic, 99 Henderson Ave., Thornhill, Ontario, L3T2K9 Canada; phone, (905) 881-2922; fax, (905) 881-6726; gmlandvmaol [dot] com (gmlandvm[at]aol[dot]com); Web site,
Christian Veterinary Mission
Event: Christian Veterinary Mission meeting, July 16, Honolulu Program: The CVM provided an ecumenical worship service at the AVMA Annual Convention. Dr. Kit Flowers, executive director of the CVM, hosted the service and gave an overview of the work of the mission around the world. Dr. George Moore challenged the audience with his presentation "Continuing Education for Lessons from God." At the CVM annual meeting, Dr. Peter Quesenberry spoke about his missionary work in Asia over the past 26 years, and Dr. Bob Hotts presented "Your Practice as Ministry." Contact: Dr. Kit Flowers, Executive Director, Christian Veterinary Mission, 19303 Fremont Ave. N., Seattle, WA 98133; phone, (206) 546-7226; fax, (206) 546-7458; kflowerscvmusa [dot] org (kflowers[at]cvmusa[dot]org); Web site,
Women veterinarians
Event: Association for Women Veterinarians meeting, July 15, Honolulu Program: Dr. Lisa Freeman spoke on challenges for women veterinarians in academia. Patricia Lowrie discussed diversity in practice and empowerment. Awards:Outstanding Woman Veterinarian of the Year: Dr. Suzanne Kennedy-Stoskopf, Raleigh, N.C. A 1976 graduate of Michigan State University, Dr. Kennedy-Stoskopf is a research professor in both the Department of Population Health and Pathobiology and the Fisheries and Wildlife Department at North Carolina State University. Her research and clinical interests center on zoological medicine, the impacts of environmental factors on immune function in wildlife populations, and the health management of wild felids. Student scholarship awards: Sonja Banjanin, University of Guelph; Cassandra D. Mundy, Washington State University; Emily Wheeler, University of Illinois; and Stephanie Young, Kansas State University. Business: This past year, the AWV evolved from a membership-based organization to a diversity partner with the Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges to expand its mission of advocating for women and promoting leadership in the veterinary profession. A motion to change the name of the association to Association for Women Veterinarians Foundation was approved. Officials: Drs. Debra Nickelson, Phoenix, president and acting secretary; Stacy Pritt, Boston, president-elect; Elizabeth Boynton, Claremont, Calif., treasurer; and Michelle Le Blanc, Lexington, Ky., immediate past president Contact: Dr. Debra Nickelson, President, Association for Women Veterinarians, 15653 N. 18th St., Phoenix, AZ 85022; phone, (602) 207-2124; fax, (800) 215-5875; dnickelsonvpl [dot] com (dnickelson[at]vpl[dot]com); Web site,
Veterinary medical ethics
Event: Society of Veterinary Medical Ethics, July 15, Honolulu Awards:Robert R. Shomer Award: Bernard E. Rollin, PhD, for outstanding contributions to veterinary medical ethics. University Distinguished Professor, professor of philosophy, biomedical sciences, and animal sciences, and university bioethicist at Colorado State University, Dr. Rollin is known for having reformed the use of animals in surgery teaching and laboratory exercises in veterinary schools and colleges. He taught the first course in veterinary medical ethics, which has been a required part of the veterinary curriculum at CSU since 1978. Dr. Rollin is a principal architect of 1985 federal legislation dealing with the welfare of animals used in research, has testified before Congress on animal experimentation, and has served as a consultant for the Department of Agriculture's Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service on welfare of farm animals used in research. Officials: Drs. Anna E. Worth, Shaftsbury, Vt., president; Carol Morgan, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, president-elect; Gary Block, Coventry, R.I., secretary; John S. Wright, St. Paul, Minn., treasurer; and Barbara Horney, Prince Edward Island, Canada, immediate past president Contact: Dr. John S. Wright, Treasurer, Society for Veterinary Medical Ethics, Veterinary Clinical Sciences Department, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Minnesota, C339 Veterinary Medical Center, 1352 Boyd Ave., St. Paul, MN 55108; phone, (612) 626-1280; fax, (612) 624-0751; wrigh008umn [dot] edu (wrigh008[at]umn[dot]edu); Web site,
Uniformed Services veterinarians
Event: Uniformed Services breakfast, July 17, Honolulu Program: Colonel John Poppe, deputy corps chief, opened the meeting and introduced Brig. Gen. Michael Cates, chief of the Army Veterinary Corps. Brigadier General Cates thanked all the soldiers for their service to the country. He made mention of the veterinary corps' successful sponsoring of the AVMA 5K run in Honolulu and said sponsorship would be repeated in Washington, D.C., during the 2007 AVMA Annual Convention. Awards:Exceptional Officer Award: Captain Nic Cabano, Yongsan, Korea. Captain Cabano was recognized for his dedication and passion while teaching at the Department of Veterinary Science at Fort Sam Houston, Texas, and for his dedication to clinical research that directly benefited military working dogs. A 2003 veterinary graduate of the University of California-Davis, Capt. Cabano is chief of clinical operations for the 129th Medical Detachment in the Republic of Korea. He has attended airborne school, completed a clinical internship at the Department of Defense Military Working Dog Center, and served as the attending veterinarian and principal instructor at the Department of Veterinary Medicine, Army Medical Center and School. Captain Cabano presented "A retrospective study of two radiographic techniques for evaluation of hip dysplasia" at the International Working Dog Breeding Association conference in Melbourne, Australia. Contact: Major Noreen A. Murphy, 2250 Stanley Road, Building 2840, Suite 288, Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234; phone, (210) 221-8149; fax, (210) 221-8360; noreenmurphyln [dot] amedd [dot] army [dot] mil (noreenmurphy[at]ln[dot]amedd[dot]army[dot]mil)