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Kosch steps down as dean at Tufts; school named for benefactor
AASV invites research abstracts
Vesicular stomatitis affecting four states
Cause of rabbit disease outbreak confirmed
AVMA officers re-elected
Vendor selected for ECFVG examination
Student extern criteria established
Fellows policy amended
Fellowship committee membership established
AVMA fellows requirements expanded, solicitation policy revised
AVMA co-sponsors aquatic medicine CE
Trends in certification workshop slated for 2006
Funding approved for food supply workshop
Three-fourths majority needed to pass big-ticket proposals
AVMA contingency fund amount increased
CVTEA institutional accreditation standard changed
AVMA PAC to report donor contributions
Recommended AVMA PAC contribution increased
Board approves public health, regulatory recommendations
Economic project for Illinois veterinarians funded
AVMA to make a showing at Pet Night
Board responds to legislative recommendations
Canada to pay flat fee for accreditation costs
AVMA to attend PANVET in 2006
New membership classification system approved
Veterinary work force priorities set
Position on genetically modified animals approved
Board affirms support for AVMF mission
Proposed animal welfare council sent for review
AVMA provides guidance on guardianship, noneconomic damages
AVMA guarantees funding for VMAT program
Phone changes for FDA-CVM
Internet drug sales to U.S. pet owners questioned
AVMA revises pregnant sow housing policy