Board votes on PANVET and WVA initiatives
At its recent meeting, the AVMA Executive Board voted on initiatives involving the World Veterinary Association and the Panamerican Association of Veterinary Sciences. The board nominated Dr. Leon H. Russell, who served as AVMA president in 1993-1994, to serve as president of the WVA. Currently, he is a WVA vice president. Dr. James Nave, global accreditation monitoring agent for the AVMA and a former AVMA president as well, was nominated to continue serving as a WVA councilor for the North American continent, representing the United States. The board also authorized $500 so that the AVMA could invite PANVET's Directive Council to hold its meeting and the meetings of the Pan-American Council on Education in Veterinary Sciences and the Council of Deans of South America, in conjunction with the AVMA Annual Convention and the World Veterinary Congress in Minneapolis in 2005. PANVET has eight member countries from North, Central, and South America: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Cuba, Mexico, Panama, Uruguay, and the United States. The AVMA joined this group in the early 1970s, discontinued membership in 1984 because of concerns with organizational and financial matters, and rejoined the group in 2004 in recognition of AVMA's focus on globalization. The AVMA may also extend an official invitation to the PANVET Directive Council to hold the XXI PANVET Congress of Veterinary Science in conjunction with the 2008 AVMA meeting in New Orleans. This, however, is dependent on the ability to negotiate a contract by the time of the 2006 PANVET meeting in Chile. The board will make a final decision on the meeting. | ||