More Stories
Deans at Penn and UGA to step down
Bequest to boost canine, equine research at Penn
Bayer wins legal actions against sales policy violators
Resolve to maintain a healthy lifestyle in the new year
AVMA Answers
Raw meat diets spark concern
Board appoints committee members, liaison representatives
Ethical position statements addressed
Euthanasia form reviewed
Assessing tuberculosis testing
Using veterinary feed directive drugs in an extralabel manner
Board votes on PANVET and WVA initiatives
Pet food policy rescinded
Pork production guidelines modified
Position statements address pregnant workers, dentistry
Complimentary convention registration offered to student spouses
Liaisons and sponsorships decided
Emergency management plan approved
Accreditation standards clarified, site visits authorized
ECFVG proposals considered
Addressing income inequities
AVMA to support biomedical research symposium
Protecting animals in research
Member added to Food Safety Advisory Committee
AVMA entities continued, altered, or sunset -
Term limits imposed on many committees
AVMA adopts new investment strategy
Marsh to succeed Peddie as AVMA treasurer
Student leadership conference to be offered
Stipend for AVMA fellows raised, other fellowship changes OK'd
Fighting for association health plans
Regulation of animal biologics challenged
Programs to raise AVMA profile, promote veterinary careers
AVMA tackles animal welfare legislation
GRD Focuses on drugs and biologics
Pushing politics
Extending a helping hand to Iraqi and Afghan veterinarians
Board acts on state public policy proposals
NCVEI extended another five years
Plan creating animal pain and distress panel fails
Outdated disabled livestock position rescinded
AVMA: removing, reducing teeth as treatment for canine aggression inappropriate
Position on free-roaming abandoned and feral cats revised
Dog and cat population control statement updated
Amendment would preserve grants that spur diversity
AVMA expresses commitment to diversity
Advisory body to replace Animal Welfare Committee
Revised guide to drug, vaccine, pesticide use in aquaculture available
AVMA creates Animal Welfare Division
Executive Board Coverage: Overview
ISU Center for Food Security and Public Health offers online resources
Policy emphasizes public health education
National Institute for Food and Agriculture on the horizon
Lobbying for animal disease issues
FDA biosecurity record-keeping rule becomes effective; meetings planned