Funds for site visit observer approved - July 15, 2004

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The Executive Board approved a $1,000 to cover the costs of a member of Council of Education for Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics—the Mexican accrediting agency for veterinary schools—to observe a Council on Education site visit at a U.S. veterinary college.

The education council and CONEVET have exchanged observers to better understand the processes administered by the accrediting agencies. Council members have observed four Mexican site visits and CONEVET members have observed two council site visits.

There is an opportunity for a CONEVET member to be an observer during a fall 2004 council site visit. The member would provide funding for transportation to the U.S. site; requested funding would go towards lodging, meals, and incidentals.

There is a general agreement among the AVMA leadership that efforts to assist the CONEVET in further strengthening its accreditation process should be supported.